i just wanted to write kuroken but then i saw the tagging notif rip

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hEY ! so i was tagged by gay-anime-freak to do this 13 facts thing that i've probably done like three times lmao but anyways let's get to it

1. i cry every time someone says let's go home

2. i can finally participate in soccer again! my ankle is feeling a lot better

3. i find feelings to be very impossible to deal with rationally

4. my tech teacher is very impressed with my typing speed and i don't have the heart to tell her it's from writing a bunch of gay fan fiction

5. i'm going to panic! and 5sos next month i'm so excited

6. my drum roll has improved immensely and i'm happy about that

7. i'm so nervous to be an upperclassman next year (because i'll be in the highest grade) and i'm terrified that i'll be a bad influence on the younger students

8. if anyone mentions anything even remotely sexist or homophobic i go immediately to lecture them and so now my friends have to watch what they say around me or i will actually kill them whOOps

9. my favorite song at the moment is avalanche by walk the moon

10. i have read nothing but kyouhaba fan fic for a straight week now and i have no regrets

11. i hate the beach

12. one of my favorite movies is madagascar (which we're currently watching in my world cultures class)

13. it's hard to make me blush, but if someone does, it's likely they'll make me blush a lot

that's all i guess ? not tagging anyone because i want this tag to die

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat