this school year

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yesterday i finished my school year and i was looking for a picture to post in honor of the ending of the year, and i barely had any, which got me thinking

this year, i did so many fun and amazing and picture-worthy things with my friends. i could've taken a lot of pictures this year. the reason i didn't is because i was enjoying myself too much to pull put my phone and ask everyone to take a picture with me. i was actually living in the moment instead of stopping it to get a picture. the few pictures i did have were blurry because i was laughing too hard to get an actual picture. in other photos, i was smiling so big i thought my teeth would hurt afterwards.

this really sums up this school you for me, maybe not academically, but socially. i had a really amazing year. this was the first time i really felt i had a solid group of friends who i didn't secretly hate, which is the same thing another one of my friends said. i thought this was odd because it always seemed like people were around him, but he said just the core group of people hanging out together and not really changing was something he liked. i liked it too. i hope beyond hope that next year will go just as smoothly.

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