reasons why i am still awake

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so for band class we have these assignments that are worth most our grade and they were due yesterday and i forgot all about it and then i decided "i'll only lose a few points i'll do it tomorrow"

i'm not completely musically smart, and I didn't know how to count 6/8

so i watched a 20 minute video on it

and then i got a metronome

and i was all good

until i tried to play the piece

i almost had a heart attack honestly

i played it at least 70 times if i'm not exaggerating

i had been playing the drums for literally 4 hours trying to at least get this piece somewhat right but i couldn't

until i finally was like "im just gonna finish even with the errors and turn it in"

the wifi on my ipad won't work because it's a school ipad and it's glitchy

so now it's two days late

i'm so frustrated

i was (and truthfully still am) full on sobbing at my dining room table (because i was using a drum pad)

it was awful

so so awful

i need to get an a in band to get high honors and of i do shitty on this assignment i won't and i'm so so close

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat