rare pair hell ????? + announcement

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since i'm stuck in ennotana hell i was looking through tumblr

and obviously i found some writing prompts because people put those in there under tags for their ships

i found an amazing one

and i'm writing the one shot for it right now

(it'll be a book of its own)

so baSICALLY uni!tanaka has a younger brother who he takes to daycare every morning and normally in a peppy blonde named ms. yachi is in the classroom. normally, is the key word here. the next morning there's a bit of a surprise waiting for tanaka at the daycare center.

if you didn't pick up on that, daycareworker!ennoshita is that surprise

and yes they're the same age in this fic, ennoshita is doing an internship type thing because he's going to be a teacher

and i'm just in love with this prompt for them like imagine tanaka walking right in like he owns the place, holding his toddler brother asleep and drooling all over him in his arms, and instead of seeing yachi he sees ennoshita and immediately loses his cool and for every day after that he gets really nervous going there every day and spends extra time picking out his outfits and oh my gOD i'm gonna scream

so yeah hopefully that'll be good

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