ankle updates cool cool

63 22 1


1. i went to a different doctor who agrees my ankle is sprained, but says a hair line fracture is possible. he said a x-ray couldn't hurt, but he doesn't think it's fractured.

2. i had electric therapy to get the muscle moving and drain something i dunno so basically they put these lil sticky pads on you and they send electric pulses into your muscle to involuntarily move it. to me, it had the same sensation as when they tide goes back in with you standing in the sand and it feels like you're being pulled in.

3. i got a new brace! it's larger but more supportive. good times.

4. because of my progress so far, i most likely won't be able to play in my soccer tournament this weekend, which is too bad. i probably will be able to walk by the end of this week without crutches.

so that's cool i guess !

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