4 iwaoi

43 15 2

requester ; totohowell

prompt ; things you said over the phone

ship ; iwaoi (iwaizumi x oikawa)

pov ; iwaizumi

category ; sad whOOPS

word count ; 878

note ; let me break your hearts using the fact that iwaizumi and oikawa went to different universities !!

"i miss you."

it was eleven p.m., the usual time for our good night phone call. i was in the car at the time, and my phone vibrated on the dashboard. when i picked up, i heard you sniffling. not bothering with formalities, i immediately asked, "what's wrong?"

"what's wrong?" you wailed, always one to be a bit melodramatic. i rolled my eyes, waiting for whatever stupid story you would tell me today. i immediately softened, however, when you whispered, "i miss you."

"i know love," i sighed. "i miss you too."

"university sucks," you spat angrily. "and i don't really like our coach."

i laughed lightly. "you've been saying that for the last two years," i reminded you. i imagined you on your bed, shaking your head.

"i know, iwaizumi. i know." you sighed heavily. in the background of the call, i heard your mattress creak under you. you were always complaining about how uncomfortable it was. at least you didn't have to sleep in a dorm. instead you stayed with a friend. "when are you visiting?" you pouted.

"soon. i promise." i said, trying to keep my eyes on the road and off of the clock display in my car.

"soon isn't soon enough."

"maybe you should come down here sometime." i suggested.

i imagined you frowning. "you know i don't like driving long distances alone," you mumbled.

i sighed again. "i know, babe. i know." you always got flustered when i called you babe. i could hear your sharp intake of breath. "normally you don't call me crying about how you miss me. what happened today?" i asked.

you took a deep breath. "i was looking at your school's volleyball stats, which led me to the volleyball website, which led to pictures of this year's team, which led me to you." you explained. "the setter you have isn't even pretty," you muttered bitterly.

i laughed. "is shittykawa jealous?" i teased.

"i am!" you whined. "he gets to see you everyday. i get to see you once a month."

i looked up over the steering wheel, almost missing my destination. "have i already seen you this month?"

"mhm," you hummed. "the first week of it."

"well make it that two times this month," i said, getting out of the car and closing the door.

you perked right up when i said that. "wait, what?"

"open the door," i replied. "it's cold out here."

"hajime, you didn't-" you gasped. i could hear you run to the door. i hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket. you flung the door open. you yelped, "iwa-chan!" before jumping into my awaiting arms and wrapping your legs around my waist. you peppered my face with kisses. i must've been smiling like a maniac, but that didn't matter because there you were and here i was and we were together and everything was okay. you stopped kissing me long enough to ask, "how did you..?"

"i had no night classes today and tomorrow's morning practice was canceled so i decided to come and see you," i said. "now please, can we go inside. i said it was cold."

you blinked. "oh, yeah." you let go of me, sliding to your feet. you led to your bedroom, placing a finger to your lips. "my housemate is asleep," you whispered. i nodded and followed you wordlessly.

once we were in your room with door locked, you turned towards me. "but seriously? you came up here on a spontaneous thought?" you asked incredulously.

"well.. yeah."


"i wanted to see my boyfriend. is that not reason enough?"

you looked at me suspiciously. "i'll believe you - this time. but seriously, it's a three hour drive."

"i know," i said.

"you must be exhausted then. how are you going to get home? you won't be able to drive!" you exclaimed.

i snorted. "i don't know, i thought maybe i could spend a night here?" you stared at me, a small grin blossoming on your face. "i'll even sneak out of the window tomorrow so your housemate won't see," i offered.

you chuckled. "no worries. hinata won't mind."

"wait, hinata? i thought you lived with a guy named shouyo?"

"oh! shouyo is his first name."

"so like.. the red headed shrimp from karasuno?"

"yeah, him! kageyama-kun stays over all the time."

my jaw almost dropped to the floor. "how did i not know.." i murmured.

"you want me to grab you some clothes?" you asked, already walking towards your drawer. i nodded and you threw a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt at me. i left to go to the bathroom and change and when i came back you were lying on your bed. the door creaked open and you smiled at me. it wasn't until then i realized how much i really missed that smile. i settled into bed next to you, pulling you into my arms. i had almost forgotten what you smelled like, and being this close to you refreshed my memory. you smelled like home.

you giggled. "i'm so happy you came," you whispered.

"so am i," i whispered back. "now can i go to sleep? i'm tired from all that driving."

"of course. i love you hajime."

"i love you too tooru."

note ; i like this one

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