8, phan

47 18 3

requester ; lilactaehyung

prompt ; things you said while you were crying

ship ; phan (dan x phil)

pov ; phil

category ; fluff (because i don't want to kill you all) (or myself)

word count ; 265

"thank you."

surrounded by people we loved, you said the final, "i do," legally joining us in marriage. everyone whooped and cheered as we kissed, the white room glowing from the large windows letting sunlight stream into the happy ceremony. people we throwing rose petals and rice as we ran back down the aisle to the car awaiting us outside. once safely inside, i kissed you again. i never wanted to stop, not until i tasted salt on your lips. i pulled away and looked at you, tears brimming in your eyes. "dan, why are you crying?" i asked.

you laughed and hiccuped, a smile gracing your lips. "phil," you giggled. "i'm happy!" i must've given you an odd look because you laughed again. "i just got married to my best friend! i've been waiting for and imagining this day for years! oh my god, i can't believe this is happening." tears were still falling from your eyes and you seemed like you were in hysterics. your eyes were huge and shining, glimmering with your entire existence.

"well, believe it." i said. "it's happening."

"and i am so, so happy it is!" you cried, still choking on your cries. "thank you." you whispered, sobs and hiccups interrupting your speech. "thank you for talking to me, and moving in with me, and spending time with me, and loving me and agreeing to marry me and being my husband and wow. just.. just thank you."

i grinned. "you're welcome, love," i replied, kissing your forehead. "now wipe your tears, yeah? we'll be at the reception in a few minutes."

note ; sorry this is so short ! i didn't want to do any more sad writing for the moment and i had this one idea but it was a small one.

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat