this is a rant

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i just wanna say the only thing i will say about the orlando shooting is that i find it utterly horrifying. if i went any further into it, i will get extremely riled up and upset and i don't think that's in my best interest right now.


don't ever make people feel like they aren't enough

success rates vary! i may consider it a feat to stay up late while you might consider it a feat to fall asleep. 

not everyone's success is the same! my success may be c's and yours might be a's.

success only depends on the person who is succeeding

you can't determine anyone else's success and no one can tell you what your success rate is.

if someone is shaking and they can't speak, they may be proud that tears aren't running down their face.

someone may be proud to even stand up in front of the class, no matter how bad their presentation was.

success is personal! it is not determined by a standard!

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat