please help ?? (au ideas)

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so anyways i'm looking for ideas for my one shot book which i converted to a various haikyuu ship one shot book okay cool anyways

i'm gonna list a bunch of aus so comment which haikyuu ships would be good for it if you want ?? thanks !

- i thought that flower was stuck in your hair so i went to pick it out for you but it turns out its attached oh my gosh i'm so sorry i'm just gonna go home and wallow in my own embarrassment now (fantasy au)

- i'm really passionate about this cause and i will give you this flier if i have to shove it down your throat

- it's pouring and my final paper is in my backpack, so i guess we're stuck under this tiny awning together. do you think they deliver pizza here?

- i know i keep coming to the bakery and for some reason it's always your shift but don't you dare judge me i need these for my sanity

- we live in the halls opposite each other and i keep seeing you changing through the window

- i work at the shitty fast food place and you come in like everyday. i don't know your name so i call you (insert nickname here) but seeing you really brightens my day

- drama school rivals being cast as romantic opposites because they have "crazy sexual tension" according to their director

- hey we work across from each other in the mall and i guess i'm supposed to be helping customers or something but i can't stop staring at you from across the way

- the new handyman is really hot so i'm just gonna keep breaking things

- you were developing film at the 24-hour photo that i work out and i'm trying not to blush at the semi-nude photographs of you on the film

- both work as disney characters

- eating in the same diner every morning and the waitress always mixes up our orders why don't we just sit at the same table to save her the trouble ?

- why does my shitty neighbor keep using my wifi? // "you shouldn't have made the password a stupid supernatural reference"

- you live below me and you have the loudest alarm clock on the planet and do you know what time it is ?

- i rented the apartment above your flower shop and in the last two months you've gotten a new flower i'm allergic too so i keep buying bouquets until i figure out what kind it is

- i'm a literature critic and i have never given a good review but this book is actually really good should i pretend i hate it?

- i could swear you keep looking at me hang on are you drawing me ?

- (art school au) they painted over the wall in the main hall and i was gonna paint something really cool but you beat me to it

- there's an anonymous writer in the writing blog i'm in love with and there's also someone who keeps buying the last of my favorite bagel in the coffee shop two minutes before i get there and now that they've heard about my problem they leave me bragging notes

- i thought you were my friend so I just slapped your ass in greeting oh shit you aren't them

- you just caught me reading hard core smut and you're wondering how i can read this with a straight face

- i've never spoken to you before but the teacher just used is as an example in a scenario where we're married

- i was trying to ask you for directions but you pepper sprayed me because you thought i was your stalker

- we're on an airplane and you're reading something on your phone wait is that my fan fiction blog?

- we're fake dating lets make this realistic we both just said i love you and we both meant it seriously but neither one of us knows it

- i don't know who else uses this text book from the library but they leave helpful notes so i leave notes back wait is that their number?

- hey i just found your number in a bathroom stall and decided to call you

- you're a guy who likes wearing skirts oh my gosh me too and that dress would look amazing on you

- i just walked into the wrong apartment and shouted "i'm home!" even though i actually live alone and why was your door unlocked?

- i came home early from practice and i was sweaty and gross so i took off my shirt and now i'm in the kitchen making a protein drink but no one told me my sister had piano lessons nor did they tell me her instructor was so hot

- we're at a pride parade and you're wearing a button that says kiss me i'm gay so i do and it turns out i'm the first person that has

- i was at comic con and you're cosplaying as the other half of my otp and apparently you ship it too

- we teach at the same high school and you know that one student? oh my gosh he annoys the shit out of me too!

- you're my neighbor and you gave me your number for emergencies please help i think i just broke my arm when i slipped in in the shower

- i'm pretending to be stupid because you're tutoring me but the only thing i actually want to learn is how your lips feel on mine

- pen pal au

- i hired you off of craigslist to be my date to a wedding

- i'm pretending to be your boyfriend because you looked really uncomfortable while that guy was hitting on you please catch on

- you were singing high school musical in the shower in the apartment next to mine and now we're having a duet???

- hey didn't i see you in a porn once?

- i'm shit at english and it turns out you're great at it so now you're whispering the words of the movie in japanese in my ear and what's your name again?

- you were auctioned off as a date and with every girl who bets on you you look more nervous so i think you might be gay why don't i bet on you the money goes to charity anyways

- i've ordered take out every night this week and you always seem to be my delivery person

- i'm calling to cancel our date because i'm in the er.. well, i guess you can come down here

that's all for now cool thank you for your time if you commented

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat