20, phan

62 19 3

requester ; otaku_heichou

prompt ; things you said that i wasn't meant to hear

ship ; phan (dan x phil)

pov ; phil

category ; angst

word count ; 475

"you're nothing like him."

grinding on a stranger when you were perfectly sober wasn't where i planned to find you, but there you were. i was out clubbing with my friends, finally doing something for myself. i guess you didn't count on me being at the club that night. it's funny, because i didn't think you'd be there either.

i had left my small group of friends for maybe three minutes to use the bathroom, and when i came out, it was unmistakable. there you were, hips bucking into some other male's. he was the complete opposite of me, tan with blonde hair. he was sucking on your neck, pushing you up against the wall like his life depended upon it. the grunts and moans coming from your mouth were things i thought that only i would hear. i guess i was wrong.

i didn't believe my eyes at first. i thought maybe it was just someone who looked a lot like you. that thought was proved to be incorrect when you groaned, "you're nothing like him." i knew that 'him' was me. i was frozen in place, watching him place hickeys on your neck like it was his job to do so. every bone in my body told me to walk away, told me to stop watching, but it was like i was in a trance. all the dirty talk that came out of your mouth, i had heard it before. you were always so easily aroused, and i could see your hard on through your jeans. the blonde just looked bored. i didn't know what to do, but i still did something.

i walked up to the two of you, and for some reason, it felt like i was stalking prey. i tapped the blonde's shoulder, and when he stopped biting you and turned to look at me, your eyes widened like a deer's in headlights. "he's a bottom," was all i said before walking away. i could hear the blonde saying things like "that's your ex?" and i laughed because you had lied to this poor man who had no idea you were still with me. i must've looked like a maniac to you. hell, i could feel your eyes following me back to my group of friends but i didn't care. i wanted nothing to do with you then.

"are you alright phil? you're looking a little off," was the first thing any of my friends said to me when i came back around. i nodded.

"i'm fantastic, and now single," i replied. i got an odd look from my friend, so i pointed to where you were still staring at me. the blonde was still kissing your neck but you paid him no mind. my friend's mouth formed an O shape and i nodded, smiling like a crazy person. "so, who wants some drinks?"

request a prompt and ship on the chapter in this book titled "things you said writing meme !! please look i want this to succeed"

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