49 & 55, phan

57 18 10

requester ; lilactaehyung

prompt ; (44) things you said when we were 18

ship ; phan (dan x phil)

pov ; dan

category ; angsty / sad lmao sorry (bit of fluff at the end)

word count ; 353

"we're not gonna make it."

"we're not gonna make it." you whispered into the phone. from the cracking of your voice, it was clear you either had been crying, were currently crying, or were about to cry.

"what?" i asked, confused. it was three in the morning and you called me. luckily, (or unluckily i suppose), i was awake to answer it.

"dan, we're not gonna make it," you sobbed. "i know i said we could, but we can't."

"ph-phil, calm down." i stuttered. "what do you mean?"

"we're eighteen dan. we're young and stupid. we plan this great future for ourselves, but it won't happen. we make all these plans. we think we'll survive but we won't, dan. we won't! we'll crack under the pressure! god damn it, we're gay! most of the world wants to shut us down! and the distance! it's driving me crazy." you cried.

i shook my head to myself. "phil, listen. if you just don't want to be with me, tell me."

"what? no, that's not-"

"if that's not what you mean," i said calmly. "then why do you say we won't make it?"

your silence spoke every word i needed to hear. "b-but dan-"

"but nothing phil," i interrupted evenly. "you think i didn't doubt this too? you think i wasn't afraid of all the judging? all the pressure? what the distance would do to us? did you think i was fearless?"

"well, no.."

"phil, darling, i thought this through. i know what i want. just think about what you want," i told you.

i was about to hang up when you bravely said, "dan, i want you."

i sat on the other end of the line, thousands upon thousands of miles away from you. for once, i had no idea what to say. what was i supposed to say to something like that? "i want you too, phil." i replied confidently.

"distance sucks."

"it also makes the heart grow fonder!" i chirped.

you laughed. "i miss you dan. i have to go. i love you."

"i love you too phil. i'll see you christmas, yeah?"

"yeah. good night."

"good night."

note ; this sucks sorry wow i have no inspiration

requester ; lilactaehyung

prompt ; (55) things you said under your breath

ship ; phan (dan x phil)

pov ; dan

category ; fluff

word count ; 408

"oh god, i love you."

we had been officially dating for almost ten months, and it was your birthday. i had planned a nice dinner for you, not telling you where we were going. i didn't put a blindfold on you, but i did drive you there, not giving you a clue as to where we were going. i only told you to wear formal clothing, which you did.

when i pulled into the parking lot, you gasped. "dan, seriously?" you looked at me incredulously. "this place is insanely expensive."

i smiled. "and i'm not letting you pay a single dollar for it."

you shook your head. "i can't let you do that," you insisted, but i was hearing none of it.

"it's your birthday! this is your present!" i said. "now let me see your wallet."

"my wallet?"

"yes! you're leaving it in the car!"

"but that means no champagne." you pouted.

i rolled my eyes. "grab your id, but that's it or you'll be sorry!" i warned.

you giggled like an immature school boy. "what are you going to do, punish me?" you teased, winking at me.

"if you keep this up maybe a will," i muttered. that shut you right up. after you retrieved your id, we walked into the restaurant and up to the hostess. "reservation for howell?" i asked. the woman nodded, motioning for us to follow her. she led us to a table on a balcony, overlooking the ocean and a starry sky with not a cloud in it. as the woman left, i pulled out your chair. "for you," i said dramatically, gesturing towards the chair. you laughed and thanked me.

when the night was over and we had eaten all that we could, you tried to sneak a peak at the bill. "i a lot of numbers there," you said absently. i nodded.

"that's alright though. i saved up enough." i replied.

"you saved money for this?"

i blinked. "yeah, i did. how else was i supposed to afford this?"

you laughed, muttering under your breath, "god, i love you."

i almost spit out the champagne i was drinking. neither of us had said those words yet, and they surprised me. i blushed, smiling softly. "i love you too." 

your eyes widened. "shit, did i say that out loud?"

i chuckled. "yes, yes you did."

you shrugged. "well, it's true." i laughed again before a drove us home, ending a perfect night with a kiss.

note ; this sucked as well, aGH. i just can't write phan that well anymore.

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat