things i love (about haikyuu because i'm trash soRRY)

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- tokyo ghoul crossover where kageyama is kaneki

- kuroken.

- tsukki's obsession with dinos

- oikawa's obsession with aliens

- iwa & tsukki doing something and yamaguchi and oikawa standing back fangirling

- the third years being baby sitters to the rest of the team

- cop!daichi x daycareowner!suga

- owl boy being very loud and obnoxious and pretty setter being a very embarrassed boyfriend

- fan art where the characters wear typical fashion instead of volley ball & school uniforms

- fan art where first years are drawn as third years

- just iwoi.

- lev pissing yaku off

- fem!kenma

- the dancing video things when each player turns into the other (please tell me someone knows what i'm talking about)

and probably a lot more that's all i can think of

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