pointless facts tag / username tag / oh my god i want noodles

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i have three tags to do sO this is a triple tag chapter have fun reading this

1. the pointless facts tag

tagged bygay-anime-freak

my tagsthebigolive and totohowell

rules - just answer the questions

I. have you ever thought about running away from home?

honestly, no. i'm too afraid of running out of food and having no place to sleep.

II. favorite things to do when bored?

listen to music, read / write gay fanfic, watch anime, etc.

III. do you like taylor swift?

yes. i've stanned her since i was young and i don't like everything she does but i still like her generally.

IV. your blood group?

i honestly have no clue.

V. do you know my name?

yes ! it's aiden / wren

VI. tell me the three hottest anime boys you love the most !

in no particular order, akaashi from haikyuu, oreki from hyouka and haruka from free.

VII. do you ship hinayachi?

not really, if i'm being honest. i just can't see it.

VIII. tell me the three anime girls you hate most !

again, in no particular order, erina from food wars, rize from tokyo ghoul and emi from your lie in april

IX. have you ever thought of being part of an anime? which anime and why?

i always imagine myself as kuroko from kuroko no basket i have no idea why

X. do you have a tumblr? and can we be friends?

i don't currently have one, and yes please hmu

XI. what would you say after answering my questions?

thanks for tagging me i actually screamed when this happened.

2. the username tag

tagged by - no one, i just wanted to do this tag

my tagslucatheloser and courtneyismydad

rules - create a playlist of songs, all of the titles corresponding with the spelling of your user

keep no score - sleeping at last

all i want - kodaline

godzilla - with confidence

empty gold - halsey

hands off my heart - mkto

ilysb - lany

not gonna - lily & madeleine

angela - the lumineers

happy - never shout never

overnight sensation - borns

weak - wet

ease - troye sivan

la vie en rose - daniela andrade

lost // awake - rvrb

3. oh my god i want noodles (13 facts tag)

tagged by - lilactaehyung

my tags - metrohowell and insouciantschuyler

rules - you can't refuse, tag 15 people (whoops!), title must be creative, list 13 facts about yourself

I. next year i'll be in an advanced math class

II. i bite my nails but they always end up growing very long

III. i say fight me and problematic way too much 

IV. i cry anytime anyone says anything about tokyo ghoul

V. i like to say i'm gay as hell but i'm actually an asexual pan-romantic

VI. if i could do anything with my life i'd be a gay rights / feminist activist

VII. i get very stressed very easily

VIII. i prefer to watch anime in japanese with subtitles rather than watch an english dub

IX.  my guilty pleasure is nicki minaj music

X. i love reading actual books and i spend a lot of time at the local library

XI. i play soccer and i'm currently freaking out about which team i'm going to try out for this summer

XII. i hate writing based on a tight prompt. i like more free prompts.

XIII. if you do even one thing nice to me i will love you forever.

that's all folks !

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