psa psa psa

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please don't make someone feel bad about what they like

that goes for everything

if all someone talks about is anime, don't trash anime. 

if someone plays music from only one band, don't complain. maybe suggest to listen to something different.

if your friend won't shut up about their crush, don't shame them for it, even if you don't like who they do. be glad they found someone who makes them so happy they won't stop talking about them.

if you make someone feel bad for what they like, they can lose the passion they have for it, or any passion they have at all.

it's just an awful feeling, being told something you really like doesn't matter to another person and that you shouldn't be happy about it.

it's an awful, diminishing feeling.

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat