someone scream about this with me

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it's almost 1am and i'm never awake this late but I couldn't stop reading this kyouhaba fic

it's called sixteen and it's by surveycorpsjean on ao3 and i have never loved anything more in my entire life

yahaba is a cheerleader and kyoutani is like a football player who is low-key popular and there's like grade-a smut and fluff up in that shit and it's 13,000+ words of pure beauty

if i could read on thing over and over again for the rest of my life it would be that and wow it was just so fantastic like

sugamama was a cheerleader who was definitely thirsty as hell for daichi and everyone person in the fic shipped kyouhaba like it was so fucking great

someone read it i need to scream about it with someone please

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