answers to celebrate 1k!!

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yO so i'm finally answering this questions whoop whoop here we go

on a scale of 1-bae how much do you ship mccanuel?

married [ background - this is an irl ship that me and a friend have ]

do you want to watch suicide squad?


favorite hq!! rare pair?

of the moment, it's kyouhaba if they even count. if they don't, iwakaashi is a close second

least favorite match in the hq!! anime?

the match where daichi fell broke me like i dunno man

what anime character are you most like?

probably megumi from food wars because she's so nervous all the time and depends a lot upon others but is still willing to what it takes to accomplish something

probably megumi from food wars because she's so nervous all the time and depends a lot upon others but is still willing to what it takes to accomplish something

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

how does it feel to be famous?

i don't feel any different than i did when i had ten followers. i just have more friends now :)

what's your opinion on the movie hairspray?

i've never seen it whOOPS

on a scale of one to 10 how much do you want to run rachel berry over with a tractor

like an 11 tbh

do you wear socks when you're sleeping?

most of the time. i hate exposed feet?

if you like doctor who, which doctor from the new who was your favorite?

everyone knows the tenth doctor is the shit

when making cereal do you put the cereal or the milk in the bowl first?

i don't really eat cereal but when i do i put cereal in first

how does it feel to be almost as famous as famous sam?

i'm literally no where close and it's thrilling

would you rather never have wattpad or never watch anime?

without wattpad i would've never started anime, but if i had to chose one over the other right now, i would say i'd take wattpad over anime. i've made so many fantastic friends on here and i feel so much happier now that i've been on this website. 

that's all my friends! thanks for sticking around and all of your congratulations !

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat