i'm back !! + actual hiatus ?

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hi so i am finally back from new hampshire which means regular reading and such


i'm extremely stressed by even one homework assignment that's due in two days and i have a concert this thursday and i'm worried to go to school because (by the way !) i'm off crutches but ankle still bothers me and i have a field trip that involves a lot of walking on thursday and i'm just really stressed and i think wattpad is distracting me from my work ?? i mean yes, obviously it is but i don't know what to do

i love being on wattpad

but i'm thinking maybe i'll go on hiatus until school is over ?

probably not, knowing me, but if i'm online less, you'll know why :)

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat