6 iwaoi

51 17 7

requester ; SunflowerHinata

prompt ; things you said under the stars and in the grass

ship ; iwaoi (oikawa x iwaizumi)

pov ; oikawa

category ; fluff

word count ; 506

"you're a nerd.. but you're my nerd."

after hours of begging and pleading, you finally agreed to go stargazing with me. i knew you only went because i annoyed you and you just wanted me to shut up, but that didn't dampen my spirit. i grabbed blankets, a telescope and an astronomy book, throwing them in the car. you grumbled something along the lines of, "why did my boyfriend have to be a space dork?" before climbing into the driver's seat.

"i'm your husband now," i reminded you. i strapped myself into the passenger's seat.

you laughed and shook your head. "why did i marry you again?" you teased.

"because you love me," i replied, dragging out the o sound.

"that's true," you said, bringing my hand to your lips to kiss it.

i smiled. "you're just lucky i agreed," i joked, earning a glare from you. "now keep your eyes on the road. i need to instruct you on how to get there." you nodded, your gaze taken off of me and put onto the asphalt. i told you the streets to turn on, and eventually we got to the woods where i used to go to stargaze. of course, you were skeptical, but you took my hand anyways as i led you through the path on which i'd been on a countless number of times.

after ten minutes of walking, we came to a gorgeous clearing. the break in the trees was perfect for stargazing. you grinned at me and squeezed my hand. i grinned back and let go of your hand. "help me put out the blanket," i said, handing you two corners of it. we spread it out on the ground and you sat down. i set up the telescope. i finally laid down next to you, facing the stars. you re-intertwined our hands, which i was grateful for. there's no better feeling than holding the hand of someone you love.

the thing i found fascinating then was how you could still make my heart beat out of my chest, even after all this time. sometimes i still ask myself how i got you.

i talked your ear off that night, telling you myths about the constellations and explaining my theories about aliens that you'd probably heard a billion times before. but you still listened. i couldn't have asked you for more. you hadn't said much most of the night, just small things like, "i see," or, "that's cool." the thing that i remember best about that night was the thing you said to me near the end of the night.

"you're a nerd.. but you're my nerd."

i nodded off after that. i was always good at staying up late, but that night i couldn't keep my eyes open. the next morning, i woke up next to you in our bed. i figured you had carried me into the car and into the house. i smiled then. i'm the luckiest person alive, i thought. every morning i get to wake up next to the love of my life.

note ; this was meant to come out better bUt

request a prompt and ship on the chapter in this book titled "things you said writing meme !! please look i want this to succeed"

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