☙ Chapter 14 ❧

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 C A L I X A 

I sat quietly as Councilman Clyve began the official meeting. I could tell that there were several suspicious stares as Alphas and Lunas alike searched each other's faces, desperate for a hint of guilt. My face however, betrayed no emotion that would tell them of my crimes. That is how it stayed and no one bothered confessing to the slaughter of Dawn Lupis Pack. I glanced at Alder and he gave me a knowing look before returning his attention to his mate.

I smiled at his loving gestures towards her and I couldn't help but feel happy that they were finally together. Too bad no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't be happy and loving with my mate. My chest holds a giant crater, begging to be filled with love but only finding hate and the cruel nature of the world. That is why I made a deal with the devil to get my wish come true.

The only reason Ulfric is still breathing is because he is the answer to my problems and he has what my father stole from me. If I kill him now, then I won't be able to find it.

"Luna Calixa, do you have any thoughts on the matter?"

The voice of a councilman brought me out of my thoughts and I casually shook my head, "No, I am sorry Councilman but I just cannot wrap my head around the tragedy that is the death of Dawn Lupis. I can only imagine how horrible it was, after all I have experience plenty of death in my time as Alpha of Wild Moon."

Everyone took my words as truth and I felt several stares of sympathy which made me internally smirk. How foolish they were to believe such a story, but I played my cards right and they always believed a sad orphaned she wolf.

My mate, however, saw through my facade but didn't say a word. He just sat and silently observed, raising his eyebrows at me slightly, obviously making it known he doesn't believe my sob story.

"Sorry for even asking my dear," soothed Clyve, clearly falling into my trap, "Does anyone know what could be responsible for their disappearance."

No one responded for a while until Alder spoke, "Well, I was contacted a few days before they disappeared by Alpha Clive and he said the rogues were getting awfully daring lately. Maybe they finally grew powerful enough to take out the whole pack."

"That is a high possibility...." murmured another one of the councilmen, Erwin I think his name was.

"For now this meeting is dismissed, you may all go to your rooms or stay here and discuss pack business. We will not tolerate fighting so get your wolves in check." Councilman Clyve announced, quickly retreating from the room, followed shortly by his fellow council members.

I didn't want to stay and have to talk with any of the Alphas so I took my leave as well, Tyto tailing behind me as I walked to my room.

"Calixa, you lied. I know you are keeping secrets from me and if you don't tell me then I'll find out on my own." my mate said as I opened my room door.

Slowly, I turned around and met his fiery gaze with my hardened one, "I will not tell you and I doubt you'll figure anything out on your own. You might be an Alpha but I am far more clever and deceitful than you will ever be. If you go snooping in my business I will have no choice but to leave Silver Blood and take my rightful place as Wild Moon's Alpha once again."

I knew the words I was spewing out of my mouth were lies but they wouldn't stop coming out and Tyto's eyes looked pained when I was finished. It wasn't fair of me to threaten to leave him but it had to be done if he was to stay safe.

'See you care about our mate.' my wolf teased, trying to undermine her annoyance as I pushed away our mate.

I internally rolled my eyes and walked into my room, leaving Tyto out in the hall. I heard his steady heartbeat and waited with my back against the door until he left. It was a few minutes before I finally heard the soft thud of his footsteps, making their way away from my door.

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