☙ Chapter 21 ❧

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I headed back to the Alpha's quarters just to see my mate head to the forest and I couldn't help but let out a sigh. I had hoped to spend some time with her but decided not to push her while she was gathering her thoughts. Ryder had told me to leave her be when she left to wander or run in the forest by herself. Even if I was really worried about her, I knew she was perfectly capable of handling anything on her own.

Since my plan to woo her would have to be put on hold for the time being as she wandered around the territory, I decided to catch up on the paperwork I missed doing while at the council meeting. Orion had started doing some of it before we left but he was never the best at staying organized so in turn, he wasn't very skilled at doing the paperwork required of the Beta. For now, until Kairo was trained fully, I would help him finish all his work.

I entered my office and saw Kairo waiting for me in one of the chairs near the center table. It pleased me that he didn't take a seat at my personal desk and knew he understood the boundaries of his position.

"Hello Alpha," he greeted me, "Once we are done with this paperwork are you going to get ready for your ceremony?"

As soon as he said that I sighed. I had forgotten that the inaugural ceremony was tonight and was thankful that Kairo had brought it up, "Yes of course. How are you getting along with your new duties? Nothing to difficult I suppose."

Kairo nodded briefly, "I've been handling every task you have given me sir. I just need more guidance on this paperwork. I don't have experience filing for mating couples between packs or initiating alliances."

"You'll get the hang of it I'm sure. The most difficult part is speaking with the Alpha involved. I'm assuming you're handling mine and Calixa's paperwork now?" I assured him, smiling lightly at the mention of my mate.

"Yes that's exactly right sir. I just need to call Alpha Ryder Dunamis and double check the transfer but everything should work out."

"Well, I'll leave you to it, I have a ceremony to get ready for and a mate to fetch." I said, moving away from my Beta and towards the door, "Once you're done, feel free to have the day off. You've been working hard since you became Beta and deserve an evening with your mate."

"Of course Alpha." he spoke, smiling.

With that, I left the room to get ready for the ceremony. I got to my room, took a shower and dressed in a nice pair of dress clothes. The only thing left to do was to go find my mate.

I set out for the forest, which was the last place I had seen her.

Once I had set out, it seemed she had started to hide her scent and it slowly faded, but I did pick up another scent, my sister's. She seemed to be going in the same direction Calixa's trail once led so I followed hers instead.

After awhile of walking I had a gut feeling they were close so I quickened my pace and soon heard voices.

"Good, now come here. I don't normally do this but I want to... h-hug you."

My wolf howled within me immediately and I recognized the first voice as my mate's. Her hesitant tone making me want to jump her bones. I felt jealous of the wolf who would be in her embrace but shook off the feeling and continued to listen.

"Thank you so much, I'll be forever grateful to you."

The second voice was unmistakably my sister's and I wondered what Calixa could possibly be helping her with.

"You don't need to thank me, I am protecting what is mine. Since that's good and done, we should head back to get ready don't you think?" I heard Calixa say and almost revealed myself just to see the mouth the words came out of.

As they started to head back I didn't approach them and inaudibly sighed in relief as I remembered I hid my scent when I began to track them. Neither of them glanced around in suspicion and kept walking which made me silently praise the Moon Goddess that they didn't notice me.

Once they disappeared into the dense undergrowth of the territory, I made my way back to the Alpha's quarters as well but took a different, longer path so they wouldn't be suspicious of me maybe hearing part of their conversation. I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about and a seed of jealousy grew within me again as I realized my mate could ask my sister for help but not me, her other half.

I arrived back at the pack house shortly after my mate and my sister. I caught the direction in which each of their scents led and knew they had gone their separate ways. I was extremely curious about what they were talking about by the burnt tree and knew I would get to the bottom of it. If my mate needed help, she should come to me and I want her to know that.

I decided to leave the matter for another time and head to the location of the ceremony. My wolf was wagging his tail like the dog he was in anticipation for taking his rightful spot as head of Silver Blood. He as well as I knew that was where we belonged, along side our mate and her wolf even if she still wished to be in Wild Moon.

"Alpha," squeaked an Omega, as I approached the clearing where my coronation would be held, "The ceremony is ready for you. We are just waiting for your mate and sister's arrivals."

I nodded and walked passed her, making my way towards the alter where Calixa and I would cut our wrists and share our blood with the current Beta, Kairo.

We waited awhile before I grew impatient and snapped at one of the Omegas, "Go get your future Luna and my sister so we can start!"

The Omega whimpered and bowed before scampering off to retrieve my mate. Soon she returned but without my mate and I growled as she reached me, "Where are they?"

Her eyes were glazed over with fear as she replied, "Alpha Aitan, sir, they are no where to be found but I did find this note."

I let out another low growl and snatched the paper from her, reading it quietly to myself.


I know you're going to have my head for this but Calixa and I need to do something together and we are leaving for the time being. Please don't look for us, we are doing this for your own good. Maybe when it is all said and done, Calixa can truly be with you and you can have your happy ending you deserve. I'm sorry dear brother, know that I've always loved you.


A snarled ripped through the clearing as I shifted into my large brown wolf and let out a howl of anguish. I stormed into the forest, vowing to find my mate if it's the last thing I do.

  ☙ ❦ ❧

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get this out but I had a ton of work to do and still have lots to work on. After this week it shouldn't be as hectic and chapters should be out more regularly. Anyways, what did you think? Are you angry that Calixa and Yana are going to handle the situation on their own or are you happy that they are strong females and can tackle this task on their own? Tell me what you think and please leave a vote if you liked this chapter!

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