☾Chapter 43 ☾

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It had been a week since Calixa made the knives and we were ready to attack my father and the council. Ryder and I came up with the plan while Calixa mostly kept to herself. I decided not to bother with the bond until she decided to accept it on her own but it was becoming more challenging as my more primal instincts told me to be with my mate.

Though as much as I wanted to, I couldn't.

I didn't know what was going through that beautiful head of hers but once my father was out of the picture, I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Tyto," someone snapped, drawing me out of my thoughts.

I looked and saw it was Ryder so I shook my head at him and asked, "Sorry about that, I was lost to my thoughts... Are we ready to head to the council?"

He nodded grimly, "Yes. We received recent intel that leads us to believe Alistair is there as well so we can kill two birds with one stone."

Then we stood there in silence and he made the first move, walking out of the room to most likely get his pack mates ready so we could leave.

I followed suit and briefed my pack on what was happening through the pack link. They had arrived a few days ago and were training with the Wild Moon wolves until the rebellion.

The warriors all replied that they were ready to head out at anytime and they were going to gather at the front of the pack house with Wild Moon.

After about ten minutes, everyone was gathered together in front of the pack house, ready to leave for the council.

Ryder and I nodded at each other before we signaled for everyone to shift and move out. We also warned them to move with caution. Alistair is dangerous and so is whoever brought him back. I didn't want to take any chances at losing lives for no reason because we charged recklessly into the council building.

It took a few hours to arrive with the large army slinking behind us in the shadows but soon enough, we could see the council building loom over us. It was also as though it was taunting our wolves with a challenge but I knew that we were ready.

With the knives that Calixa forged and the skills that we had been honing over the passing week, we could handle almost anything that they threw at us. But we still had to be careful.

It's better not to get to cocky when the battle hasn't started.

When we came to a stop, Ryder turned to face our wolves and he nodded his head at them, giving them the go to spread out into the formations that we had planned on. During the time that we weren't training, we were plotting how we could secure the council and take down Alistair without losing to many lives in the process.

But now was not the time to dwell on the plan; now was the time to carry it out.

I took my place in the lead and approached one of the hidden entrances that Clywde had told us about. I opened the door that was otherwise unnoticeable and went inside. I could feel my wolf stirring within me, warning me to not let my guard down. I knew he was right because if my father had a witch on his side, then there was certainly going to be trouble.

It didn't take us long to get inside the actual building but I knew that entrance was too good to be true because as soon as I set foot inside, I was tackled to the ground by another wolf.

I felt the claws of the wolf dig into my side and I let out a growl before latching my jaw onto its hind leg. It let out a whimper of pain and lost its focus for a moment too long. I used that moment to strike and I tore out its throat.

After killing the wolf, I looked around to see a group surrounding my warriors and I. One wolf in particular stood out and I knew it was my father.

As if on queue, he shifted into his skin and gave me a malicious smile, "Now son, is that anyway to greet your old man?"

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about the unannounced hiatus but I'm back now! I just have had a bad case of writer's block but I am so close to finishing this book so I will push on through it! So thanks so much for reading my book! I really appreciate all of your support!

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