☙ Chapter 18 ❧

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☙ C A L I X A

I huffed and stormed back to the house after Tyto's little use of the mate's bond. It annoyed me how easily my body betrayed me but it made my wolf purr and try to push to the surface which was aggravating.

At least one good thing came out of the meeting, Orion's replacement. I knew Kairo would make a much better Beta than Orion because he was not a weak wolf. He had authority that Orion did not and my wolf was proud to have him as the new Beta. I felt quite ashamed at the council meeting when I had Orion whimpering after me and avoided him at all costs. It puzzled me how he could even be an Alpha for so long but I assume Visenic had something to do with his 'Alpha' status.

Once I arrived back at the house, I wasted no time going to my room, which opposite of Tyto's. I didn't think much of it, after all he is an Alpha and they happen to be very possessive over what they believe is theirs. Soon I would be very much his but I had to resist as long as I had some unfinished business to take care of. My wolf could sense that my willpower and resistance was slowly chipping away but did nothing to full shatter it because I always threatened her with the same excuse. Tyto could get hurt. That seemed to shut her up for awhile until she came crawling back, begging me to let Tyto have his way with me or to simply 'jump his bones' as she put it.

"Nice to see you Luna," said a voice as I opened my room door.

I recognized it as one of the pack Omegas that I had met prior to leaving for the council. If my memory served me correctly, then it was Adalyn.

"Hello Adalyn," I greeted, watching her put away some laundry, "You are dismissed now, I'll call you if I need your assistance."

"Yes Luna."

Then she was gone and I was left to relax, which I never really had much experience doing. My life was consumed by my pack and my duty to serve them so my routine never could fit some rest and relaxation.

Time to figure out what I've been missing.

I decided to best way to relax would be a hot bubble bath since I recall my mother always telling me that a nice bath with scented candles always soothed her after a long day. Not to mention that she also said a good night with her mate, my father, made her feel at ease as well.

I shook the thought, and the disturbing image, out of my head and quickly went to the bathroom to start a bath. The water heated up fairly quickly and I slipped into the water one the tub was full of water and suds. My once tense body now felt relaxed for the first time in a long time and I sighed, happily sinking further into the bubbles that had formed around me.

I didn't know how much time I spent in the bath but soon I heard a faint knock on my door and I groaned, slowly moving my now pruned body.

"Who is it!?" I shouted, not able to scent them from in the bathroom.

"It's Adalyn, Luna," the Omega squeaked, "Alpha Aitan told me to fetch you for dinner. The pack already ate before you arrived but Alpha thought this would be the perfect opportunity for the two of you to go on a date of sorts."

I snorted and wrapped a towel around my naked body. I wondered why in the world he thought that it would be a good idea to eat together since it was getting late after our long day but decided not to fight him.

"Fine, tell him I'll be down when I finish getting dressed."

She didn't reply and I assumed that she left me to get ready on my own. Adalyn reminded me of Amorette and I felt a pang of emotion course through me at that thought of my old pack. I missed them dearly and decided to call my brother tomorrow to speak with him and Artemis. I especially missed her seeing as she reminded me of my mother, just a younger and more naive version. Her soul was so pure and brought light to my very dark life so I felt as if something was missing whenever she was away.

I spent a few minutes reminiscing before I quickly got ready, wearing a pair of dark jeans and a black ruffled blouse, and descended the stairs to meet Tyto for dinner. What I saw came to a surprise to me. A candle lit dinner?

"Do you like it?" Tyto asked, coming into view.

My lips involuntarily curled into a smile at his gesture and my wolf urged me to run to him; which I bluntly refused to do. There he stood in some black clad jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. I nearly gasped as how handsome he looked in his outfit, even if it was quite simple. Again, I curse the bond.

Then I realized he was waiting for me to answer and I nodded my head slowly, "Uh, yes of course, but you didn't have to do all this. Especially for someone like me."

Tyto shook his head and chuckled, "I know but I want to, you are my mate after all. Now sit down and we can eat."

I didn't reply and just complied with his order to sit, but not before he pulled the chair out for me. After being chivalrous, he took his own seat and an Omega rushed into the room with two plates.

"Here you are Alpha. I hope this dish is to your liking." she squeaked, bowing her head after setting the meals down in front of us.

"Yes, thank you Daisy." he replied. Then he dismissed her with a nod and turned back to me.

I looked down at my plate and felt my stomach silently rumble in hunger. On my plate was a juicy stake and some pasta which looked amazing. I remembered the Omega's cooking in Wild Moon and it never looked nearly this tasty. Quickly, I dug into my plate, being careful not to look like a total pig as I did so. I heard Tyto chuckle but said nothing as he began to eat his own meal.

Soon we were both finished but of course Tyto was done eating before me and sat there staring at me while I finished up.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

I looked at him and nodded, "Yes, your Omegas certainly do know how to keep your pack well fed."

"Our pack," he reminded me, "And yes, they are very skilled in the culinary department. My mother used to cook with them before the rogues took her and she is the best cook I know."

I smiled lightly at him and moved to get up from my chair, "Well, as nice as this was, I'm going to my room. See you in the morning Alpha."

Tyto scrunched his nose, "Please don't call me that. It's too formal, you're my mate, you should call me Tyto. And I'm, not used to the Queen calling anyone Alpha so I wouldn't want you to start now."

I chuckled dryly but said nothing as I walked back to my room at a brisk pace. I called him Alpha to prove I considered our relationship nothing but professional. Although my wolf thoroughly enjoyed the 'date' I felt uncomfortable under his stare and only went because I needed food to keep up my strength.

'Keep telling yourself that Calixa.' my wolf teased.

'I will because it's true.'

'Yeah, yeah. I know you'll give in one of these days. Tyto is pretty irresistible.'

I snorted but didn't reply as I got to my room and flopped down onto my bed. I groaned in frustration and pulled on my hair. "Stupid, stupid..." I scolded myself, "I can't keep giving into Tyto's demands otherwise he'll think he has a chance..."

Not wanting to think anymore, especially about Tyto, I let my body succumb to exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep. Hoping tomorrow I could drive my mate away and not let him break through my armor.


A/N: So I hope you liked this double update! The second one was a bit shorter so that was the reason behind the double but I'm sure you don't mind anyways! Tell me what you think Calixa should do in the comments and tell me if you think Tyto will be able to get through to her, sooner rather than later! Also please vote if you liked this chapter and I hope you're looking forward to the next update.

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