Chapter 1

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The trailer that i made for this fan fiction is an external link! if you cant find, its on youtube under the username Stephie1853! or if you want to type in the external link to find it strait away here it is! i hope you all enjoy it.

This Chapter has been edited!

I never knew it would hurt like this, the idea that love in the blink of an eye, can be taken from you. Forever.

the last time i saw my parents they where going out to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary, that should be something absolutely amazing right? until i got a call that night to tell me they had passed away, that was my 13th birthday. On my 13th birthday my parents where killed, murdered and i cant remember the last thing i said to them.

They went out to dinner at a really nice restaurant in London, it just happened to be the day somebody with a gun decides to go in and kill 11 people that where in there enjoying life. Who dose that, who goes somewhere with the intent to kill people.

April 12th 2010 my world shattered, and my life has never been the same since, i didn't get to enjoy my birthdays like a kid should, i went to the cemetery and sat with my parents all day, I'm now 19 and still constantly debating wether life is for me.

It wasn't just me that got effected by their deaths, i mean of course it wasn't just me they where loved by so many people, my brother got affected too, but instead of staying behind and looking after the house, our family, well what was left of our family, me.

He left, he was 18 technically an adult, so he went and left me with my best friends family, i didn't see him for 4 years after that, i didn't see him until my 17th birthday.

I ended up on the streets for a couple of months, not even my best friend new, she thought i had left with Harry. It wasn't until i turned up at her door one winters morning that she realised the truth, i had lost everything.

Her parents Clara and Mick kindly let me in gave me a place to live, a roof over my head and 3 meals a day. I had to share a room with my best friend Addie, although, other wise known as Addilyn, she became more like my sister after i moved in with her and her parents, who quickly became strong role models in my life the person who inspired me to carry on with  my life.

*17th birthday*

"hey Clara I'm gonna head down to see mum and dad, I've got my phone ill message you later" i say as i open the front door to leave the house i have lived in since i was 13

"okay love, say hi to them from me"

i walk out the door and get in Addies car, she wont mind me using it for the day, i cant really afford one of my own so i usually just take hers, whoops.

i drive around 30 minutes to get to the cemetery, its been an entire year since I've been here, even though its now been 4 years since they have passed, it never gets easier coming to see them, ever.

"1,2,3,4,5" i whisper to myself counting the rows of tombstones i have to pass before i get to the row i need to see my parents, i want to be buried with the person i love when i pass away just like my parents, at least in the after life they still have each other.

i set my blanket down in front of where they lie, and open my flask filled with tea, kind of a tradition i developed over the years, just sit and drink tea while thinking about the past, when my life was a lot happier and easier with my parents around.

"so, mum, dad I'm 17, still don't have a car but i passed my test so thats something i guess, umm what else has happened, oh, i graduated, got a job working at a cute little cafe in town, keeps me busy i guess, i want to try and move out of Mick and Clara's house, i just want time for me, to discover who i really am and i don't think i can do that there"

i look at the tombstone intensively, i wonder if people think I'm insane for talking to a piece of stone, literally, reading it always hurts me

"Rose and Maxx Styles, happily married, taken too soon, leaving behind two gorgeous kids"

i sighed thinking about the other "gorgeous" child that my parents spoke of, the one that left me at a time of need, when i have never needed any one as much as i did in that very moment.

"it's been four years since I've seen Harry, hmm, he seems to be doing pretty well, he ended up going on X factor and came third with his now band mates, never met them, they probably don't know i exist to be honest, I'm guessing neither dose he anymore"

"thats not true" a voice came suddenly behind me

"WHAT THE FUCK! WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME YOU CREEP" he scared the absolute shit out of me

"thats no way to treat your brother, your own family" he wasn't lying, it was Harry, the so called brother that ran out on me all so many years ago

"neither was abandoning your 13 year old sister but you sure didn't have a problem with that" i stood up off my blanket and started packing up so i could leave and not have to put up with any excuses that he was going to try and convince me with.

"wait, just stop a minute Leah, i get it okay, your mad, and you have every right to be okay, i was just coming to visit mum and dad, and i was going to come and see you, i want to talk, really talk"

i could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, he wasn't going to have that much power over me to make me cry, no way

"well, there all yours, talk away, maybe they will at least still be able to stand you" i say harshly walking away from him, i hear a sniffle coming from behind me letting me know i took it too far, but i don't have the guts to turn around to apologise i just walked back to the car and drove home.

so far today, I've visited my dead parents, turned 17, and saw Harry again after 4 years, eventful.

I will upload the next chapter if people want me too, the entire story is nearly finished being written so updates will most likely be daily or every other day <3 i really hope you enjoy it

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