Chapter 62

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Guys this is the last chapter! read to the end if you want to know about the sequel!

4 weeks later

"it feels so weird being home" I say walking through the doors to mine and Liam's house "Yeah I know, I haven't been here for so long" Liam says to me after wrapping his arms around my waist standing behind me.

All my bruises have faded some are still there others have disappeared, my cuts are mainly all just scars now the one on my arm look so disgusting and I hate it, my ribs have completely healed but I was told they will still hurt due to the bruising that will be on them.

I walk into the kitchen and see all of the guys there with Niall holding Spencer, I run over and grab my baby boy "oh my god I have missed you so so so so much baby" I hold him close to me and just hug him like I will never see him again

Words can't explain a mothers love for her child, he has gotten so big since I last saw him, I've missed out on so much.

I turn around and notice Liam and all of the boys have left the kitchen I panic and walk into the entry way of my house and see Liam saying goodbye too them all

"I thought you left" I say to Liam, he walks over to me putting his arm round my waist walking me to the door where the rest of the guys are "the guys have to go write I was just saying goodbye, I'm not leaving you remember" I smile at him as Spence starts hitting "hey, no, you don't hit thats not nice" I say to him, he's started getting really excited about things that he just flings his hands everywhere, he laughs at me and I just smile back at him.

"why aren't you going to write" I say to him, already knowing the answer I just feel bad "I'm staying with you, I couldn't leave you right now I don't think I will be able to for a while" I nod at him and turn to the guys "see you Lea, call me if you need anything" Harry says coming up to me and hugging me "yeah yeah, go and work" I say to him, all the guys say goodbye to me and Liam goes outside with them probably to talk to them in private.

Liam POV

I walk outside with the guys needing to talk to them without Leah hearing, "look you guys know I wont be leaving her for a while, I'm going to turn one of the spare rooms into a studio so we can work here, I know she isn't going to want to be alone for a really long time and I don't want to leave her"

"I like the sound of that, she needs you and you know I'm always there for her" Niall says to me, I nod at to him and then give him a hug

"ill see you guys later" I walk back inside seeing Leah in the kitchen watching Spence playing with his action figures in the lounge room, I can't read the expression on her face, her body looks so broken, still bruised and scarred, but she is still so unbelievably beautiful to me, nobody could ever look at her the way I do it just isn't possible.

I walk behind her putting my arms around her waist "oh shit" she says turning around quickly "sorry baby" I say too her, things have changed which I knew they would but it really dose suck "its fine, I just need to get over it, it really is fine" she turns to face me looking at me "babe, it is okay to be jumpy especially after what you've been through, we will get back to normal, because I will never ever hurt you, I can not wait too marry you, I can't wait too call you my wife and have a big family with you, and thats why we will work together to get things back to normal"

she stands up on her tippy toes pecking my lips, I pick her up by her waist and sit her on the kitchen bench "look at the little boy over there" I say to her, she smiles and looks right at Spencer "he is the reason why normality will come back too you, you wont be scared anymore you wont jump when you hear noises, and I'm here and both of us always will be" she puts her arms around my neck and we both lean in for a kiss, a sweet simple loving kiss, its not until I feel hands on my ankle that I pull away too see Spencer standing up holding my leg

"did he just walk over here?" Leah asks me getting excited "I don't know, how else could he have gotten over here so fast"

Leah gets down from from the bench to pick him up "move down the other end of the corridor" she says to me, I walk down to the end and she stands at the other end and puts Spence on the floor

"common buddy come to dadda" I say too him, he pushes up on Leah and starts walking towards me "omg he did it" I start laughing, I am so happy right now my 14 month old can walk! thats insane, I thought him learning how to talk was the best thing ever but this tops it

"omg Li, he did it, our baby can walk" Leah says to me, I pick Spence up and walk to Leah with him, I put my arm around Leah, I can't believe that our baby is growing up

"I don't want him to grow up, I want him to stay my baby forever" I look at Leah and kiss her "well after our wedding he will be 2, imagine that" I say too her thinking about how big he is going to be at 2 years old "we might have another kid by then" she smiles up at me as I hand Spence too her "I can't wait" I kiss Leah until Spence starts laughing and distracts us

Leah POV
I can't believe how unbelievably happy I am, my son has just walked, Liam and I are getting married, I can't wait for what the future holds.

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