Chapter 41

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"we should probably start getting back baby, Harry is all alone with Spence and we have now been gone for nearly two hours" Liam says to me gliding his finger nails down my back softly, its another thing I love about him, he knows the small things I love

we both get out of bed and start putting our clothes back on, I put my bra and underwear on before Liam comes back over to me in his boxers, grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him pressing his lips against mine

"god I wish we could go for round two" I smile into our kiss

"you know we could always call Harry to take Spence back to his place tonight, I don't have to have people watching me anymore, it can just be us for tonight" I say wrapping my arms around his neck

"that is incredibly tempting, do you think he would?" I look at him for a moment just thinking

"its worth a shot" I kiss him gently before pulling away to call Harry, I put the phone on loud speaker as it starts ringing.

Harry: Hey Leah, have you got all your stuff ready?

Leah: yeah nearly finished, we should be home soon

Harry: sweet, so whats up?

Leah: we, Liam and I where wondering if you and the guys could take Spence for a night maybe, I mean Liam and I haven't spent time together properly in over a month

Harry: So you want me to look after your son while you and Liam fuck

I can't help but laugh at how abruptly that came out of his mouth, oh god, I hear Liam chuckle behind me

Leah: no! aha we just want some alone time

Harry: Thats code for sex, but yes ill take him now, have a goodnight, bye

Liam and I turn around to each other just to laugh "god thats so embarrassing" I say to him going back into his arms "eh he knows we have sex, we do have a son you know"

Well, he dose have a point.

We grab all my belongings, clothes, laptop, phone, one of Spencer's blanket which I grabbed so I could still have a bit of him with me, we got into Liam's car and drove the long drive home.

pulling up into the drive way Liam grabs my hand sweetly before I van open the door "Leah, I know I have messed up, but I need you to know I love you more than anything, would you please do me the honour of becoming my fiancé again, and I promise this time I wont break us, I'm here for the long run" I look at him softly

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