Chapter 16

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I never knew how boring my life was without Liam, he has only been gone a week and I'm already struggling, we have only talked twice since he has been gone, which too me feels so strange considering we are used to living with each other and seeing each other constantly.

Liam POV

it has been a week since i left home, left Leah, left my baby, although tour is amazing and its fun , i cant stand being away from my family

"Hey man how you holding up" Harry asks me, i look at him and sigh "i just want to go back home, i want to see her so badly, you don't understand, i left her, and squirt, I'm supposed be there for her, I'm not supposed to be leaving her" he looks at me and nods, he gets where I'm coming from.

show time, we are about to go on stage, just think about getting back to Leah, one more show down means one show closer to getting back to Leah, i say to myself to hype myself up for the show.

Leah POV

it's the day of my 22 week of pregnancy, i have a scan in about an hour, the first one that Liam is missing, its not a massive scan just checking up on the bub, it just sucks not having Liam here with me.

"so we have a scan to check up on the baby today, lets get started! where the daddy?" she asks me, i knew the question would come up "he's away for work at the moment, he's coming home in 11 weeks" i say trying to stay positive "thats a while to be away from you, are you holding up okay? resting a lot?" she asks me with concern on her voice

"i don't really have time to rest, I'm constantly cleaning, shopping for little things that we don't have, washing clothes and bedding, cleaning our house, I'm alone mostly" she nods knowing that these things need to be done no matter what

"okay, lets have a look at the bub"

she runs the probe over my stomach, i see the little baby on the screen, my little baby, his small hands are touching his face, in this moment nothing matters, my baby is my priority

"baby looks okay, he's quite big for his age, I'm expecting him to be a quite large baby, everything looks good with him though, you are all good to go, would you like pictures"

im so happy that my baby is okay, it dose scare me that he is going to be big baby, thats going to make it hurt so much more

"could i grab 3 pictures please"

i walk out of the hospital and get into my car, deciding to call Addie to get her to come over for a couple of weeks, i just need company

Leah: Hey babe, are you doing anything for the next couple of weeks?

Addie: i'm going down to Brighton for a week tomorrow"

i sigh, of course when i actually want to do something she's busy

Leah: oh okay, i was wondering if you wanted to stay at my place for a few weeks, its really lonely here without all the guys running round messing up my house

Addie: why don't you come down to Brighton with me for a week and then we go back too yours?

That actually sounds perfect, getting away from home for a week, get my mind off Liam being away, that sounds amazing

Leah: sounds amazing! ill drive too your house tomorrow morning and we can just drive down together, talk to you later love you

after hanging up the phone i get extremely excited, i need to pack my bag, i grab all my maternity clothes and just dump them in my case, good enough, i don't have the energy to fold it all tonight.

its 7am and I'm getting into my range rover to make the drive to Addie's house, the long trip from London to bournemouth, that alone is 3 hours depending on traffic, if there is none it will take around 2, but the traffic is always horrendous when it comes to leaving London, so it will take a while, then from Addie's house it will take around another 2 hours to get to Brighton, she can do that drive, i will have drove enough.

Pulling up to my best friends house nearly 3 hours later i am filled with relief when i finally kill the engine of my car and step out, i walk to her front door and just walk in "hey Addie" she runs down the stairs and gives me a big hug after putting her bag down "you ready to go preggo" she says kissing my cheek, i nod and we walk out the door

"can you please drive! i can not stand how bad the traffic is right now its driving me crazy" Addie just laughs at me and gets into the drivers side, she always says i shouldn't live in London if i hate the traffic, and she is right, but home is where the heart is, and Liam and i live in London

"so I've been thinking about talking to Liam about moving back to around here, so our kid isn't stuck growing up in a polluted city, i haven't told him yet, but i would like too"

"i get where your coming from, but i think you'll miss London, you'll miss it i know you will" she dose know me well, i love London, i love being so close to everything i ever need, a short tube ride away, or a short walk, it is really convenient

"Think about it, if i move back down here, Harry will visit more often" I'm trying to figure out what is happening between Addie and him, are they together? i really just want to know

"true, that is an added bonus i guess" she just chuckles at me

"so what is going on between you and Harry?" she looks at me quickly before turning to the road and smiles "i don't know honestly, i mean we like each other obviously, its just long distance isn't really either of our things, having to drive over 3 hours to see each other would suck, i already have to do it just when i want too see you, i cant put myself through that by getting in a relationship with somebody that lives a while away"

i really get it, i moved to London because i got sick of constantly travelling to and from there seeing Harry all the time Addie isn't a London chick, she hates it she wouldn't move there for anything or anyone

"Maybe Harry would move down here for you, who knows" i say honestly, if he really likes her, i know he will do anything to make it work

by the time we finish talking we pull into the drive way of the house we are renting for the week, its gorgeous, right by the beach, i can not wait for this week!

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