Chapter 33

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Leah POV

i wake up in a room, I'm in hospital i know that, the all to familiar smell of antiseptic and seeing the doctors and nurses around here

"Hi Leah, how are you feeling" one of the doctors say to me as i start waking up

"um im tired" he just nods and starts writing on his note pad

"your in the recovery room right now, its just where we wait for people to wake up after coming out from surgery, would you like to go to your own private room or stay here for a bit longer"

i had surgery? i didn't think i hurt myself that bad, I've never done it that bad before

"um can i go to my room please, i just want too sleep"

"you have a very worried fiancé in that room, your both very lucky, we weren't sure if you where going to make it, you suffered sever blood loss Mrs.Styles, when you get back to your room you will be asked some questions, you need to answer honestly, if not for yourself, for your son and for your fiancé"

i just nod at him, i just want to go home, honestly i feel fine.

when i get to my room i see Liam sitting in the chair next to the bed that I'm assuming belongs to me, he's fast asleep, how long has he been here? where is Spencer.

im the worst mother in the world! i cut myself when my family was in the house, what kind of mother dose that, what kind of fiancé dose that.

After i get placed on the bed I'm left alone to sleep for about 30 minutes, i get woken up by 3 people in my room, Liam is still asleep, i feel awful

"Miss Styles, may we talk to you and your fiancé?"

"yeah sure, um he's been sleeping for a while"

One of the men walk over to Liam and pats his shoulder "Hi Mr Payne, we need too talk too you and Miss Styles"

Liam wakes up and looks at me in shock, he didn't even realise i was here

"why didn't you wake me when you came back from surgery?" he says to me in almost an angry way, i get why he is mad at me, I'm mad at myself too

"you where sleeping, can we just listen to these people so i can get home please" i say bluntly, not in the mood for this

"Miss Payne, you won't be going home for a while I'm afraid, because what you did was so drastic, Child Protective Services have been in contact with us, and they don't believe that right now you are mentally stable enough to look after your son, they are concerned that when your fiancé goes back too work you could do something to yourself while its just you and your son, nobody to help you, nor anybody to help him"

what is he telling me here? are they taking my son from me

"what dose that mean?" Liam asking the important question that is playing in my head

"it means that Leah needs to go and get help, we have got her a place in a 4 month rehab clinic, and in that time Liam will be granted full guardianship of Spencer, you are not to see them while you are in rehab, i know it is hard, but you cant have contact with the outside world, you need time to focus only on yourself"

Liam gets full guardianship? i cant see either of them for 4 months?

they want to take my family from me? the only people i have

i start crying, sobbing more like, Liam just grabs my hand and looks as shocked as i do, he's going back away in less than 3 months, who is supposed to look after Spencer! thats my job

"no! you are not locking me up! not away from my son, there is no way in hell i will let you take my family away from me" screaming at them, i try to sit up but fail

"please! don't do this too her, don't do this to us, there has to be another way, I'm begging you, you cant keep a 6 month old away from his mother for 4 months, she will miss all his development, he will miss his mother, how do you think thats going to affect them both, she wont be able to cope!"

Liam is just as angry as i am

"i can have a chat with CPS, but don't get your hopes up, they don't tend to change there mind"

he and all the other people walk out of our room.

"They cant take me, please don't let them take me" i say as Liam holds my head in his chest, he kisses my head "you need help baby, if they cant convince CPS then we don't have a choice"


i start screaming for the sake of it, they cant take my world away from me, i get what i did was wrong okay, but i haven't done it in so long, it was the first time in such a long time, people relapse all the time, I'm just glad Harry has Spence, i know i can trust him.

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