Chapter 10

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The trailer that i made for this fan fiction is an external link! if you cant find, its on youtube under the username Stephie1853! or if you want to type in the external link to find it strait away here it is! i hope you all enjoy it.

Liam looks at Harry frantically before turning to look at me "are you okay babe!?!" i just stand there, unable to speak, unable to process what just happened, i knew Harry wouldn't like the fact that i was pregnant, but to say what he did

Liam holds my Arm just under where Harry's hand was and i flinched, not knowing why i looked down at my arm to see a big purple hand shaped bruise, Liam turns around to rush back into Harry's room after seeing my bruise


he is in shock at the fact that he hurt me in this way, the rest of the guys are when they see it too "please please everybody just stop! i don't need this, i don't need this stress, Harry go for a walk or a drive please, go see mum and dad, just go" i say forcefully, "ill go with him to make sure he is okay" Zayn says walking out with Harry.

in that moment i just fall too the floor, exhausted, mentally and physically , Liam immediately runs to my aid holding me as i break down "i cant deal with loosing another family member Liam, i can't loose Harry, he's right, I've disappointed my parents they would hate me, they do hate me!" he holds me tightly rocking me back and forth

"Leah that's not true! i know that, Liam knows that everybody knows how much they loved you, they would be over the moon that they are getting a grandchild, Harry shouldn't of said what he did, he was way way out of line, we all love you Leah" Niall says to me, i really do love these guys, i don't know what i would do without them, somewhere in between all the crazy I'm too exhausted to stay awake.

i wake up in my old bedroom at Harry's house, there is still a bed here, Liam is no where to be seen, i get worried at the fact that he might be with Harry and what could be happening right now, i run downstairs in a panic getting all flustered "Niall where is Liam?" i say running into the kitchen, I'm all panicked I'm so worried about Liam "hey, hey calm down, he's fine don't worry" i look at him "he has just gone out for a run, i promise you he is okay" i automatically relax, he's okay, he's fine, Niall hugs me, calming me down "i don't know why i was so worried about him" Niall looks at me so simply "your worried that he will leave, i get it, you haven't stability in your life, people leave and you never know why, i can promise you Liam wont leave you" he's right, people always leave me especially when i need them the most.

Liam walks through the front door all sweaty from his run but i don't even care, i run into his arms and just wrap my arms round his waist "whats up Leah" i just shake my head at him wanting him to not ask questions but i know he wont give up, i know he won't "i woke up and you weren't there, i thought you..." "you thought i left" he says looking down at me, putting his arm around my waist i nod at him, he kisses my forehead sweetly, it is the most reassuring thing that he could possibly do, its such a simple sweet gesture.

i never knew how much everything in my life has effected me, i was terrified about people that i love walking out of my life, i just feel like thats what they plan too do, they plan on hurting me, leaving me, it scares me too much.

it comes too 7pm and Liam and i decide to leave the guys house, Harry never came home, Louis called him to make sure he was okay, all he said was "yes" and hung up, at least he is okay, but right now i need to go home and have a bath to get rid of my stress.

walking through the front door of our house never felt so good, i felt like everything that was on my shoulders dropped off me, i walk strait upstairs and lock the bathroom door and start running my bath, before i can even get into the bath i get this searing pain in my abdomen i cry out in pain as i crouch too the floor holding my stomach, whats wrong, is my baby okay is all i can think

i hear Liam trying to open the bathroom door but i remember i locked it, i try to move but instead cry out in pain again as i try too move, "move away from the door Leah" Liam calls out to me and starts kicking the door, it slams open and he runs over to my strait away, he picks me up and runs me down stairs, the pain is getting to the point where i can barley breath, Liam puts me in my car seat and puts my seatbelt on before running to his side of the car and driving to the hospital.

we get to the maternity unit and get admitted immediately get seen to, the doctors and nurses do a range of tests to blood tests and urine tests and quiz me on my daily life, i lie in the hospital bed in pain for another 2 hours before a doctor comes back with the results to my pain.

"Mrs.Styles, we have come to the conclusion that your body is going into sever stress and is on the verge of a panic attack, that would explain why your abdomen is hurting, the stress effects the foetus and and amniotic sac, hence the pain you are experiencing, the baby seems to be okay, their heart rate looks good and so dose the baby its self, have you been stressed out lately?"

Liam just looks at me with a face of guilt, great now he thinks this is his fault "yeah its been a hectic few weeks" the doctor nods at me "okay, so your the dad, he points to Liam" "yes sir" Liam replies dryly "you need to make sure mummy here gets some rest for her and the bub, try and remove all signs of stress that may arise, you need to be carful if you want a healthy baby, stress is not good for them, your allowed to go home if you wish too, if you have anymore problems please come right back"

on the walk back too the car the pain is still there, not as bad but it still is, Liam doesn't talk the entire way back home, why dose it have to be like this, he pulls into the drive way and just walks into the house, leaving me in the car, i decide not to get out right now because i cant stand to be ignored by Liam anymore, i decide to call Addie to tell her about what has happened

Addie: hey babe how are you

Leah: its not good Addie, i just got home from the hospital

Addie: omg what happened!?!

Leah: i got a massive amount of pain in my abdomen due too stress, Harry and Liam have been fighting alot, and so have Harry and i, he isn't okay with me being pregnant, he hates me Ads

Addie: he dose not hate you, he is just worried

Leah: how would you possibly know that?

Addie: he has been staying at my house for the past couple of days, uhhhhh don't get mad when i tell you this, but we kind of had sex

Leah: you had sex with my brother? i didn't even know you liked him, thats gross

Addie: aha yeah.... have for a while actually, ill talk to you later, he's waking up love you bye

Leah: wait did you two just...

i was about to ask if he was asleep due to the fact that they have been fucking all night, but honestly i don't think i want to know the answer to that question, so what Harry is mad that I'm dating his best friend and then he goes and sleeps with mine, he really has to get his head in the right place, he cant judge me for one thing and then go do the exact same.

i get out of the car and walk unto mine and Liam's bedroom hoping he is in there, too my luck he is.

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