Chapter 55

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Leah POV

"get in the car" Chase says to me, I slowly start backing away not wanting to be that close to him

"I said get in the car" he says pulling out a gun and pointed it at me "I'm not messing around here Leah get in the fucking car" I get into the driver's seat while he climbs into the passenger seat next to me, I instantly tense up at the close proximity too him "drive too your house" I shake my head at him "there is no way I am taking you to my house" the look on his face scares me, but nothing scares me more than having my family get hurt by him

"but you're not pregnant anymore which means your bundle of joy is at home, probably with him, and I don't like that" I'm trying to grab my phone out from my back pocket without him knowing but I know that I'm not going to be able to grab it

"please, I'm begging you, don't go near them" a smirk appears on his face "okay, drive to my house then, I'm sure you remember where that is" I put the keys in the ignition and turn the car on slowly driving to his house, it was around an hour away from my house, and to this day I remember exactly where it is, I tried to escape it on so many different occasions.

"turn in now Leah, and don't try any funny business, I can easily find your precious boyfriend and your baby" I refuse to let him touch either of them, I don't want to back here, I can't come back here, he had me trapped here for a year, made me feel like I loved him I swore I did I had no idea what love was, all I know it sure wasn't what he made me think.

Walking into his house I notice nothing has changed and a chill runs down my spine all the memories that I have spent trying to get away from for so long, I repressed all the memories I had finally gotten away, but just like he told me all those years ago "even if you leave, ill find you"

I get pushed too the ground as he sits on top of me pining me down "So Leah, did you have a boy or a girl" I start struggling even though I know he is far to strong for me to get away from, but I have to try I have to try so I can save myself so I can make it home to my family

I feel a burning sensation across my face as I realise he hit me, once again I'm trapped with him hurting me "when I ask a question you answer it! remember when you used to love me what happened to that you little bitch! you ruined me you left" I scoffed at the fact that he thinks I ruined him when clearly it was the opposite

"so I wont ask you again Leah, did you have a boy or a girl" he presses his knee into my chest making it hard for me to breath "a boy" he smiles that sadistic smile that was constantly trapped in all of my nightmares "name?" I don't want him knowing his name but I know if I lie, he will find out, he somehow always found out if I lied "Spencer" he laughs at me almost as he is mocking the name that I chose for my son "didn't choose a more manly name? something like Chase?" I laughed and instantly regretted it as I felt his fist connect with my cheek bone, I knew that was going to leave a mark, his hits always did

"what do you want from me?" I scream at him praying that he will just let me go "I want you back in my life Lea Lea, remember how much fun we used to have? remember the love we shared, I want that back and I know you do too"

"I'm engaged! I have a family, I don't want you anymore Chase and I never did, you forced me to stay I didn't have a choice" once again the laughter starts but this time the noise is coming from him

"as I remember it, I picked you up from the streets, I gave you a home, I loved you" he was right, at first he saved me, I was so thankful for him he really used to be so sweet and caring thats why I was always so scared of meeting new people because first impressions don't tell the full story

"I used to Chase, then you raped me and you beat me!" "it was punishment Leah, you have too remember all actions come with their own consequences, if you did what you where told you would never of gotten hurt, now speaking of consequences, you left me all those years ago I think your long over due for your punishment, a whimper left my mouth as I knew what was about to happen

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