Chapter 13

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Seeing as I'm now 25 weeks pregnant and only going to be getting more and more uncomfortable as the days go on, Liam and i decide to try and get the rest of little man's stuff bought and set up, we still need a crib, a stroller, changing table, toys, a few clothes, nappies, a bin, mattress for the crib, blankets, car seat

we realised how unprepared that we are, we have so so so much to do today that it is stressing me out beyond belief, my lower back is hurting today, an insane amount, i know we need to get this done so we decide to try to go to only one store, babies R us, where praying that we can get everything we need.

walking into the store i was taken aback by just how big it was, i pulled my list out with everything that we needed on it "you came prepared" Liam says to me laughing as i pulled out my list "im a mum now, gotta be organised in some aspects of my life" i laugh back at him

we now have everything on our list besides the stroller and the car seat, of which we both has arguments over, i want the safest possible for our child, but there is a 'cool' looking one of both the stroller and the car seat that he wants.

"Liam, we are getting the safest option okay! i don't really care if you think that one is cool, the safest one is the one we will be getting" he knows that he doesn't stand a chance, when al i want is the safety of our son.

our cart is completely filled to the top when we get to the check out "i dread to think how much this is going to cost" i say to Liam, i work at a small store in town earning $19 an hour, for a 20 year old that has her own house and a baby on the way, thats nothing

"thats why I'm here remember, you carry the baby, i asked you to stop work to look after squirt, and i happily look after finances, i earn enough you know baby"

i love him i really do, but i hate people spending there money on something connected to me, i like using my own money, i like working for my own money, but he's right, i wouldn't of been able to afford this even if i worked my fingers to the bone.

"so all of this today comes too $6,560" i look at Liam shocked just how much a tiny little baby can cost! i mean i know we got all the stuff with the best safety rating, but that could buy a second hand car!

getting home we see 2 cars on our drive way that belong to Harry and Niall "why are they here?" i ask Liam, he just shrugs his head telling me he doesn't know

"let me get the heavy stuff okay babe, you grab blankets" he is so protective of me, and i have to say i love it

we leave everything in our front lounge room near the front door because we have no where to put it until we decide to get the nursery put together which I'm hoping to get done before the guys go on tour in just a few days.

I walk upstairs and Harry is coming out of the room that we have called squirt's room. "Leah, get Liam and come here" he says, I'm very confused and i hope they haven't demolished my sons room and broken all the walls having a play fight or something, it wouldn't be the fist time they have knocked walls down playing around. "Li they want both of us up here" he places the crib in the living room and joins me out side of Squirts room, the door still closed.

"okay so Niall and i have been working on this all day and we hope you like it" Harry says opening the door for us too see. They have decorated the room for us, they have painted two walls baby blue, and have little star stickers and a moon one too, this is gorgeous, its another thing done that i don't have to stress about! its perfect.

The emotions get to me and i start crying "its perfect! thank you so so much" i hug Harry and then Niall still crying, i go back to Liam and he wraps his arm around my waist "this really is amazing, thank you guys, its one less thing that Leah has to worry about doing when we leave now", both of the guys are covered in paint, its quite a funny sight if i say so myself, "where gonna head home, we hope you enjoy it" they say too us, trust me, we love it.

Awwww so cute

Trust me || Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now