Chapter 57

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The feeling of his hands on my legs pushing my thighs apart is making me feel sick, as much as I try to push him off me it wont work he is far too strong, I'm naked and I'm vulnerable and I'm scared, I want nothing more than for Liam to come through the door that is keeping me trapped inside this house, inside this room but I know it wont happen he doesn't know where I am, I know I'm never leaving this house I will never escape from Chase.

"Common baby you can't fight me, we can have our own family" I start trying to break out of his grip, there is no way I am having his baby, I keep on squirming but instead of breaking free I feel his fist connect with my face and feel myself slipping out of reality.

Finally coming back to reality I wake up still in Chase's room, lying on the bed still naked but I realise I'm alone, he's gone, I try to move but it doesn't take long for me to realise that he didn't care if I was awake or asleep when I see the amount of blood that I have lost from how forceful he was, the pain I am feeling down there is excruciating, I grab my clothes that I was wearing when he took me realising that I literally don't have anything to change into besides them

"oh your awake good, I cooked us breakfast" I look at him confused, have I slept all night?

"what day is it?" scared of the answer that might be coming

"it's Friday baby why?" what, Friday

"You took me on Tuesday, I've been here for 4 days?!?" he nods at me before walking out of the room, I've been here for 4 days, surely Liam knows I'm missing how haven't I been found, will he ever find me, am I going to die here?

Liam POV

"Liam mate you need to calm down" Louis says to me as I'm pacing across the living room while the police officer is trying to question me what feels like the 30th time since Leah didn't come home, its been 4 days and they still haven't found her

"don't tell me to calm down! My fiancé and my son's mother is missing, she has psycho ex that is out there and for all I know he has her, I now know what he did to her in the past and she barley survived that, so don't you dare tell me to calm down" I say walking right up to him and getting in his face

"Mr.Payne, please sit down we can't find your fiancé if you don't co operate"

I sit down on the chair that is opposite from the officer

"Mr.Payne I understand you and Mr.Styles are both worried about your fiancé and his sister, I need to know if Leah told either of you where this house was that her Ex boyfriend took her too"

I look at Harry who is clearly just as agitated as I am, we both shake our heads, all we know is that it was two story and thats what we have already told them

it wasn't until Zayn piped up and said "she said that when she ran she saw a sign that said she was in Guildford, thats all she told me" he looks down almost in shame

"why the fuck didn't you say this sooner" Harry starts raising his voice at Zayn while both me and the rest of the boys glare at him "I don't know why I didn't, I completely forgot until just then"

"Thats good Mr.Malik that gives us a search area" the female officer says to us while excusing herself to walk out of the house on the phone hopefully to tell people where to start looking while the male officer stays to ask more questions

"Dose anybody know the last name of Mrs.Styles ex boyfriend" we all shake our heads all she ever told us was that his name was Chase. God I'm so worried about her, I couldn't even begin to focus on real life so I had to drive Spence to my mums house so she could look after him so I could focus on finding Leah.

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