Chapter 3

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*Present time*(Because last chapter was a flash back)

The trailer that i made for this fan fiction is an external link! if you cant find, its on youtube under the username Stephie1853! or if you want to type in the external link to find it strait away here it is! i hope you all enjoy it.

This Chapter has been edited!

Life has been good, its been two years since i reconnected with Harry, and guess what, i finally saved up enough money to buy my own place and move in, its about 10 minutes away from Harry's house, and since he bought me a car, much to my dismay i can pretty much see him whenever i please, its so nice having my family back.

Today is the day, the day i move into my new apartment, I'm so excited i can barley contain myself, but your probably confused so let me catch you up on whats been happening for the past two years.

so after that day at Harry's house i ended up going to his house once a week every week, and then it became two times a week, then three, then four. Now may i remind you Addie's house is a 3 hour drive from Harry's so it was a hell of a lot of traveling for a 17 year old to be making EVERY week.

So i ended up moving in with Harry about 6 months after my 17th birthday, and i loved it. Seeing my brother everyday, seeing the guys, who i have become quite fond of over the past two years. Living with Harry was great, but, he was a 22 year old guy when i was 17, so girls often came to the house and well..... no sister wants to have to hear that.

So i got a job closer to Harry's place in a little clothes store, saved up enough money to move house and that brings us too now.

"i cant believe that your leaving me! your growing up so fast" Harry says fake crying i just laugh at him, i know I'm going to miss not seeing him everyday, but its not like I'm moving countries, I'm moving round the corner thats all.

"ill be back" i say to Harry pulling out my phone and dialling Liam's number

Liam: Hello?

Leah: Hey its me, i was wondering if you and the rest of the guys could help me move into my new place, this stuff is really heavy

Liam: of course i can, ill see you soon babe

im so grateful to have Liam and the rest of the guys in my life, they have made it so much more entertaining and worth living. I would be lying if i said i didn't like Liam, i would really be lying but it wont happen, nothing will happen between us, he's 22, I'm 19, he can do way better.

i have liked Liam pretty much since i moved into Harrys, i just don't know what to do about it.

around an hour later the door bell rings at Harry's house and i run down to answer it seeing all the guys standing there dressed in flannel shirts looking all tough

"love the outfits guys" i giggle and move so they can get into the house, i give each one of them a hug before Harry comes down and starts delegating tasks

"hey lads, okay we want to get all of Leah's stuff out of here by the end of the day, so Zayn and Louis you can pack up her living room, boxes are already in there"

As on command both leave and walk upto my sitting room

"Leah and Liam, you will tackle the mess that is Leah's bedroom, which leaves me and Niall to do the bathroom and kitchen"

i smile knowing that i will be alone with Liam the whole day even if it is just packing up my bedroom

we swiftly make out way up into my restroom and close the door "wow Lea, he wasn't lying when he said it was a tip in here" laughing as he says his sentence

i give him a glare "its not even that bad, shut up" aha

i give him a slight joking push to let him know he was being rude, as you do

"did you just push me" he says coming closer to me so that our bodies are only centimetres away from each others

i take a step forward closing the gap between us "maybe i did"

at that moment he picks me up and chucks me on the bed and we both have a laughing fit "it will be worse next time Lea Lea"

damn i thought that was it, we would finally get that kiss I've been dreaming of.

the rest of the day goes incredibly slowly, me just thinking about that moment with Liam and cleaning, packing my room up, it gets to around 7 before we are finally done with all the boxes and bring them downstairs to the front door, where the first ones finished with our designated zones, so Liam and i pack as many boxes we can into the back of his range rover and drive to my new place.

As we where driving my favourite song comes on the radio secret love song by little mix, i start singing along too the lyrics and dancing in my seat

"your so cute, its unbearable" Liam says to me before covering his mouth "sorry i shouldn't of said that" he says pulling into my brand new drive way

"what do you mean" i say to him, thinking i heard him right, did he just call me cute? what dose that mean

"sorry Lea forget about it really" he smiles at me sweetly, shifting his body to face mine while where in the car

"Liam spill!" i say to him, really hoping whats about to come out of his mouth is what I've wanted for two years

"look okay, its complicated, your Harry's sister" i look at him incredibly confused at his statement

"whats that got to do with anything?" i ask him honestly, he clears his throat and i know something important is about to be said and in that moment, the nervs hit me, i began to feel anxious, what if he's about to say that he doesn't like me?

"Leah i like you okay, i have for a while, and i know you will have no interest in me, I'm your brothers friend i get that i do, i just really needed to finally let that out"

i sigh, a sigh of relief, that did not just happen, i am screaming of happiness on the inside, i realise I'm taking to long to reply when Liam shifts in his seat looking incredibly nervous

"wow, i have waited 2 years to hear you say that"i say looking at him 100% truthfully

"you have?"

"of course, i have liked you since the day i met you, but i thought you didn't like me so i didn't even try to make anything happen"

he doesn't say anything to me, he just leans across the gear boxes and places his hand on my face and kisses me, i feel his lips wrap around me, the tingle that is surrounding my entire body, his lips are so warm, so inviting that i instantly kiss him back.

did that really just happen?!?! Liam kissed me, after 2 years something finally happened between us

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