Chapter 42

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2 month later

"Liam can you believe that Spence is one today" I say turning over to face him in bed, he smiles at me with the biggest grin on his face "I can't believe it, he is so big, it seems like just yesterday we where finding out you where pregnant"

I move closer to Liam cuddling up to his chest "2 years ago I never saw my life going this way, I had just found my brother again, I wanted to go travel, go on adventures, now I've got a kid, and I don't for a second regret him, I love him more than anything, I do wish it happened a few years later but we can't change that"

Liam pulls me into his chest and places his lips onto my forehead "I know, it wasn't what we planned, but we have each other and Spence and we will be fine"

I look up at him to place a kiss on his lips softly before we hear Spence making noise in his room telling us he is awake

I get out of bed and put on my dressing gown before going into my little mans room "good morning buddy, happy birthday" "mowning mummy" he says to me before I place a kiss on his fore head, I pick him up and take him to our room

"say good morning to daddy" I say to Spence placing him on the bed next to Liam "Happy birthday buddy"

I leave Spence with Harry as I go down stairs to call a few of the boys and Addie to double check what time they are coming over for Spence's birthday.

Addie: Hey babe, I'm in the car on my whats up

Leah: just double checking what time your coming honey

Addie: uhhhh maybe 12ish I'm heading to Harry's first and then we are coming together, I have to drop my stuff off at his house and then we will be on our way

Leah: what is going on between you too, its been going on for over a year now aha are you dating or just fucking

Addie: I honestly have no idea, we act like where dating but never put a label on it, anyway I gotta go just pulled onto the freeway love you bye

I laugh to myself for a second, Addie and Harry are dating and I know they are, they think they are really sneaky about it, they tell everybody they are just having fun but we all know that they have been together for ages, I just think they think I would be mad, hey its funny

Niall: Hey Leah whats up

Leah: just wondering what time you and the guys are going to be here

Niall: ummm I think around 12.30

Leah: okay sounds good, are you staying over tonight

Niall: who knows aha, I've got half of my stuff at your place anyway so if I do its all there for me

Leah: okay cool, see you soon babe

I walk back upstairs with breakfast for the boys who have both fallen asleep in our bed, I put the breakfast down on my side table too pull my phone out to get a picture of them sleeping together all cuddled up, I post it on instagram with the caption "@LeahJanePayne came upstairs too see this perfect sight"

I post the picture and climb into bed with the boys waking Liam up to give him his breakfast, deciding to leave Spencer asleep for a little longer in our bed

"awh thanks babe you didn't have to make breakfast" he kissed my cheek leaning over Spencer who is fast asleep in-between us "what time is everybody coming and leaving tonight?" Liam says taking a bite of his bagel "around 12ish, so far probably just stay until Spence's bedtime, I think Niall is staying over though"

Liam just nods and gets out of the bed, shirtless with just a pair of boxers on him

"you okay babe?" I say to him getting out of bed walking up behind him placing my arms around his stomach, I kiss his shoulder and he turns around

"I just feel like he likes you, I mean he is always over here, you guys are super close, he stays over all the time I don't know maybe I'm being paranoid" he places his arms around my waist as mine snake around his neck

"babe Niall is one of my closest friends, he doesn't like me and even if he did, he wouldn't do anything, he know how much I love you, its fine" I go on my tippy toes to kiss him, the second our lips connect Spence wakes up interrupting us

"mumma" he screeches, for some reason he doesn't like it when Liam and I kiss, its really weird.

"hey buddy, are you hungry?" he nods his head as fast as he can "what would you like, you can have whatever you want" he sits in silence for around a minute just thinking of all the possibilities that he could choose

"McDonalds" he shouts, I look at Liam just to laugh, out of everything he could have in the entire world he picked McDonalds, well if its what he wants thats what he can get

"do you want to take him to get breakfast and ill set up the house" Liam offers to me kindly I nod walking over too him to kiss him goodbye.

"yeah, ill call Eleanor and get her to meet me so we can have coffee before Spence's party, I feel like I'm gonna need it"

after calling El and confirming that she was coming I go downstairs to put Spencer in the car.

lets just say putting a 1 year old in a car seat isn't easy, even when they are going to get McDonalds.

"Spencer Hudson Payne, you wont be having McDonalds for breakfast or having any of your uncles come over if you don't let me strap you in, so you either calm down and we can go get you a yummy breakfast and have a fun day, or you keep unbuckling your seat belt and we stay here, you eat porridge for breakfast and spend the day without your uncles"

I don't like getting mad at him, but I have been quite on edge lately and him unbuckling his seatbelt is so dangerous, if he did that while we where driving and something happened I would never forgive myself

"I be good mummy" he says sweetly, he stooped squirming and he started to sit in his car seat like a good boy, I get into the drivers seat playing PlaySchool music all the way to McDonalds.

pulling into the carpark I can already see people looking at the car wondering who is driving a black Range Rover with blacked out windows, I really hope nobody swarms us today, Spence dose not do well in crowds

I get out of the car and walk round to Spencer's side of the car "let me get you out of the car seat buddy" say to him grunting as I lift him up "my god your such a big boy now, do you want to walk or mummy to carry you?" he looks around him and holds my hand telling me he wants to walk

he was fine until we where half way across the car park and girls started running over screaming mine and Spence's name

"Leah! OMG Spencer! WHERE'S Liam" they where all calling, I pick Spencer up knowing that this wasn't going to be good for him, he starts hiding in my hair clearly scared of all the commotion that is being caused around us

I try to keep walking but more and more girls and a few guys start swarming us and trying to get pictures, their screaming is scaring Spence like I have never seen him scared before.

"Guys please, all I want to do is get my son some breakfast for his birthday, he is clearly scared can you please if not for me, if not for him show him some decency for Liam"

They don't back off, they start getting pushed into me, I don't know what to do, it is never this bad I can usually go out of the house shopping or to get food and maybe only get stopped by a few people but this is insane

I need help.

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