Chapter 58

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Leah POV

I walk downstairs to be met with the smell of chocolate chip pancakes, he cooked for us, he would always do this even in the past, after a night of pain, rape and abuse I would wake up to him being the person I originally fell in love with, it always made me want to stay, because I thought he was always getting better

"please come and sit down and eat with me" he says simply, he pulls my chair out for me as I sit down, I can barley move let alone sit down after what he did to me last night "I think I might just go and shower" I say to him turning around to walk back up the stairs, under my clothes I am still covered in my own blood

Before I know it my head is being slammed into a wall and Chase's mouth is right near my ear "I said, sit down and eat with me, I didn't ask Leah, I told you and you know what happens if you disobey me" the tears are already streaming down my face along with the blood that is now coming out of the fresh wound on my head

"can I eat and then have a shower" he nods at me, kisses my forehead and pulls away "see thats all you had to do, you just ask. God knows how badly your son is going to behave if you act this way"

I feel the anger building inside me but I know I can't lash out, I know I'm not strong enough to beat him, when he insults my son that is my limit, under no circumstances will I stand for that "my son is amazing thank you very much, if you mention him again I swear to god I will make your life even worse than you are making mine"

he sits down at the table signalling for me to sit with him, I comply knowing what happens if I don't "I suggest you don't speak to me like that Leah, it hurts me when you say I hurt you, I love you and you love me this is how this relationship works, now eat and then you can shower"

for the entire breakfast we both sit in silence before I get up to grab both of our empty plates to wash them up before I leave for my shower, I know that if I left them that would be wrong in his eyes as well.

Stepping into the shower the stinging from the hot water hitting my damaged skin burns, all my open wounds from being beat, raped, slammed against walls I don't even recognise my body anymore, I can't see a single piece of skin that doesn't have some kind of damage done too it wether that consist of bruises or cuts. I wash off all the blood from my legs and get out of the shower with just a towel rapped around me, I get back into my clothes that are now incredibly dirty, they have blood riddled all in them but its all I have.

I walk back into the bedroom where Chase is lying on the bed "you know you don't have to wear those disgusting clothes" I nod as he gets off the bed grabbing a plain black t shirt of his too put on, I gulp as I realise he doesn't want me wearing pants for a reason

"could I please have some pants, I'm cold" I say simply hoping it will convince him to give me some but instead he pulls me in bed and puts the covers over me pulling me into his chest "we can just have a movie day in bed, how dose that sound" I just nod knowing that it was better than what he's usually like, I just have to imagine that I'm not stuck in bed with this vile man that it is just Liam and I watching a movie. It all proves to hard when I feel a tear slipping out of my eye

"hey whats wrong why are you crying" Chase says sitting up as soon as he feels the tear hitting his bare chest "nothings wrong" I say to him hoping he doesn't press on the subject but of course if I don't want him to do something that is what he will do

"tell me whats wrong Leah" I sit up and shift my body next to him "I want to go home, I want my son, I want my brother" I say knowing that if I mention Liam all hell will break loose, he nods at me which was surprising I was expecting another knock out hit as I mentioned my life back home

"I get that, but you'll forget all about that soon I promise, you wont want to go back, I love you and you love me that is all two people need your son is with his sperm donor" he says to me signalling that, that is all Liam was too me a way of having a child and then I discarded him

"I promise we can make it through anything" I start crying even more when it hits me that he never plans on letting me see my family again, I need to find out that if Liam doesn't find me that I can at least see my family some time in the future

"what about at our wedding, can my family come to that" I say gulping in disgust as the thought of marrying him crosses my thoughts "of course your brother and Son can come to that, because soon enough he will be my son too and a big brother too our little one" he says touching my stomach, I swat him away without thinking and I automatically know it was a mistake as his entire demeanour changes "sorry I feel sick" I said to him and his face relaxes, maybe I can make it through this. I just have to play it right

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