Chapter 52

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it's been hours since Niall and Liam arrived and the doctors are slowly leaving Greg's room, there are still some in there, we haven't found out anything yet, but surely if he is still in the room and doctors are leaving that's a good sign.

"Mr.Horan, can you please come in to your brothers room" the main doctor that is looking after Greg says as he turns back into the room waiting for Niall to join him.

I place my head in my lap scared that the tears will start again, there is only so much I can take of seeing the people I love hurting

Liam wraps his arms around me kissing my head "baby, look at me" I turn to face him seeing a look of fear stricken on his face "please please talk to me, don't bottle this up, I can't loose you again, I love you so much, please tell me how your feeling"

Words can not explain how much I love this man, he is so caring even when his fiancé and his best friend are hurting, even when he is hurting he takes time out to care about people

"I just can't loose Greg, I can't loose anybody again, I lost my parents I lost Harry for so long, I even lost you and it killed me, Greg means so much to all of us and he doesn't deserve it, he's a father Theo can't loose him Denise can't loose him" the feeling in my chest wont go, it gets tighter and tighter as I keep talking

"he's not going to die, like you said to Niall he is a fighter, I promise you I'm never leaving again, I love you way to much to ever ever ever hurt you again"

Just as he finishes talking Niall and the doctor come out of Greg's room "he's awake" Niall says with a smile on his face, the first time I have seen a smile on his face since Greg got into hospital

"The sounds that Leah was hearing was Greg choking on the pipes that where in his mouth, his throat is very sore currently and he has a major amount of damage on his ribs, one of them punctured his lung so he will be wheezing, he has had surgery to fix them but they are still healing, I am honestly incredibly surprised at his recovery he is a very lucky man"

I run up to Niall wrapping my arms around his neck as he spins me around, we start laughing and giggling at the fact that Greg is finally awake, we are so over joyed we can't contain it

"lets go see him" I say to Niall walking in to Greg's room

"Hey short ass" Greg says to me laughing and at the same time coughing

"shut up your still in bed remember I can beat you up finally" I say laughing back at him

"come here" he motions for me to come and hug him, I sit on the side of his bed and lean into him to give him a hug that I have needed so much since Greg got into hospital

"Niall told me how long you've been here, you should of known I was going to be fine" I look at him firmly

"Greg! you nearly died can you stop joking it was seriously awful we didn't know if you where going to wake up"

"I know, I know, give me another hug" I automatically wrap my arms around him again, its honestly so amazing to know that he is going to be okay. "I'm going to go back to the house and try and get some sleep I haven't had any in nearly 24 hours, don't be too mean to Niall he's been really worried" I kiss his cheek and walk out of the hospital room leaving Niall in there alone with Greg.

I grab Liam's hand as we walk down to the car park "how is he?" I stop walking to turn to face him "he's Greg, laughing and joking around all ready" Liam pulls me into him giving me a kiss, he presses his lips against mine, roughly but lovingly "I told you he would be okay"

When we got to the car Liam opened my door for me "lets get you home" He says but I was already drifting off to sleep.

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