Chapter 43

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The crowd keeps getting bigger and bigger, there is literally no room between me, Spencer and the crowd

"guys please! at least let me give him to my friend inside, then I will come back out please I'm begging you! he is terrified!" I practically scream at them, they move out of my way letting me go inside McDonalds

as I walk in I instantly spot El on the phone, she turns around seeing me and she runs strait over "I'm so sorry, I tried to go out there but they have blocked the door" she says to me almost sounding guilty

"don't apologise, I was just scared, he was terrified he was clinging to me for dear life" Spence looks up at me as I kiss his head, he see's El and he instantly opens his arms for her to hold him

"hey Handsome! look at how big you have gotten, I only saw you a few weeks ago! stop growing" she says tickling his stomach, he starts laughing uncontrollably

"I did kinda call Liam and Louis to come and help get all of them off you" I looked at her gratefully

"thanks babes" I sit down with her at the table where I see she has already ordered all of our food

"you know us too well"

I see my bacon and egg McMuffin without the egg, I know stupid, I see Spencer's pancakes and she ordered us both coffees

"you are a goddess" as soon as I put Spencer in his high chair I hear a mass amount of screaming coming from outside "I guess the guys just rocked up" El says and I can't help but laugh, thankfully for them, they have more control over what the fans do than I do, they just see me as the girl who stole Liam from them, they just want pictures with me to say that they met the person Liam is fucking.

"watch Spence for me" she nods and starts playing with the toy cars that I bought with me to entertain him

I walk outside signalling to the boys that I was over here, Liam gets through the crowd pretty fast coming up to me giving me a quick kiss, Louis on the other hand takes a little longer

"are you and little man okay" I look at him as we walk through the door cuddling into him a little more "he was so scared" he nods looking sad "what about you, did they say anything or do anything" I shake my head telling him that they didn't

"I'm sorry for all of this I really am" Liam says looking down at me

"Liam James Payne, I am with you because I love you more than anything, and one thing that comes with loving you is those fans, those fans love you almost as much as I love you, they have made your dreams come true, never apologise for that it is fine"

he grabs my hand as Louis gets through the door taking us all to the table where El is sitting playing cars with Spencer, Liam sits on the end of the little booth while Spence is on the very end where the booth stops thats where his high chair is placed

Louis gives Eleanor a quick kiss before stealing some of her McMuffin "oi! get your own" she says hitting him and laughing

"now Spencer, this is what you don't want to do, you don't want to get a girlfriend they just beat you up" he say's laughing "he wont be getting a girlfriend until he is at least 20" I say to Louis sternly

"I'm sorry, how old where you when you got pregnant?" he says still laughing, I start laughing along with him Touché "okay yes, thats why he isn't allowed a girlfriend, he isn't having kids for a very long time, I don't want too be a grandma! lets stop talking about this he is already growing too fast as it is"

I say laughing as I lean into Liam, this is what I love, being with my friends and my family, laughing and having fun, its the first time in a long time have felt genuinely good

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