It all Started When We Met

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Kelly Pov
My friend Michelle was having a get together with a few other girls that I know except one . It consisted of LeToya , LaTavia, Farrah and the girl I didn't know Beyonce .. Beyonce wasn't here yet but Michelle did mention that she was coming .. While they was preparing food ,otp and doing whatever I was just sitting at the table singing to myself .. When suddenly someone tapped my shoulder.
"Hey .. Sorry to interrupt but You have an Beautiful Voice .." The unknown person said
"Um thanks I'm Kelly by the way and you?" I said holding out my hand to shake .
" I'm Beyonce but you can call me Bey or whatever you want but it was Nice meeting you kells .. Maybe we should hang out sometime yeah?" She said
"Yeah that would be nice here's my number ." I said handing her a piece of paper with my number on it .. " Call anytime you'd like .." I said ..
" I will.." She said .. We just sat there in an awkward silence smiling at each other ..
"GIRLS FOODS READY !" Michelle yelled .. Everybody rushed to the table to eat ..
"Damn chelle yeen have to yell .." I said which earned a slap upside my head .. Everybody laughed and I just pouted , taking a glance at bey to see her giggling and biting her lip but blushed from embarrassment once she realized I caught her staring... She gave me butterflies in my tummy that's weird .. Do I like her ?
A couple of weeks later we decided to make a girl group since we all could sing but Michelle did not want to take part in it she said she already had a busy schedule and wasn't ready for the fame but we all knew it was because she was shy .. But she eventually joined when LaTavia ,LaToya left the group and then Eventually Farrah .. We was all still cool even though they left the group .. They left by choice not by force ,beef or being kicked out ..
Beyonce would always sing to me on the
phone and we begun to hang out more and that's when I realized I was falling for her .
Beyonce Pov
Every since I met Kelly I've been feeling something I don't know what it is but it is something .. We was starting to hang out more and spend all day and even all night on the phone together talking and singing to one another but then it stop suddenly she went distant the only time we spoke was at interviews or when writing a song anything that's work related other than that she would always try to avoid me , she would come up with excuses to not go to gatherings if I'm there or find an excuse to leave once I get there and I was beginning to wonder why it hurt me that she wasn't communicating with me .. I was going to get to the bottom of this one way or another ..
I caught her one day before she could even get out the door..
" Hey can we talk?" I asked looking at her with pleading eyes ..
" Uh I gotta get going ..." She said trying to move out the way ..I grabbed her by the arm and looked into her eyes .
"Please? It'd be quick just talk to me please .." I asked more like beg .. She stood there for a moment avoiding my gaze and then eventually nodding..
"Just for a minute.." She said .. I nodded and pulled her into one of Michelle's guest room ..
" Kells .." I spoke softly .. She kept avoiding my gaze .. I grabbed her face making her look at me and she just averted her eyes down ..
"Kells look at me .." I said again .. She looked at me removing my hands off of her face .. That hurt but okay ..
"Huh Beyonce ? What do you need because I need to go .." She replied
" We both know you don't have to go anywhere... Why have you been avoiding me ??" I tried to speak in a soft tone but sounded irritated and hurt..
"What are you talking bout Beyonce ?"she asked .. She didn't even call me by the nickname she gave me BB ..
" You know what I'm talking. About you've been acting distant .. The only time we talk is when it's business and work related .. You avoid me when we have gatherings, you barely even speak or mention me when we are at shows ,speaking with fans anything of that sort .. And that hurts Kells.. So why ? " I asked with way too much emotion and I don't know why ..
She sighed .. " Why do you care ? Huh ? Look I need to go .. Don't you have a boyfriend to attend to ? Goodbye Beyonce ." She said walking out the door ..
"KELLY!" I yelled but she kept on walking .. I was hurt I sat on the couch with the girls upset...That was the final thing she said to me before the group broke up ..

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