The Show

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Three Days Later

Beyonce Pov
I just arrived at the arena for the Super Bowl.. I was still depressed over the whole Kelly situation, I think everyone could tell.. I didn't even care about the show anymore.. I just laid down on the sofa that I had in my dressing room just humming a song that was meant for her ... It's been on my mind lately.
"Im dangerously in love with you
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me.."
As I sung I heard someone walk ok maybe I should've locked the door ...
"Aw poor baby ..." I heard Michelle say while rubbing my head ..I looked up to her ..
"Hi .." I said in a sad ,low tone ..
" How you doing honey ? " she asked sincerely..
" I'm making it I guess .." I sighed
" You know maybe you should perform that song it doesn't have to be today but maybe someday and I'll make sure she's there to see." She said smiling
"She wouldn't come even if you tried to get her to .. She hates me .."I said sadly .. Michelle touched my shoulder and said " Honey ... Trust me Kelly's been down and depressed just as you ... She loves you just as much , but I'm going to get a start on my wardrobe I'll see you later boo .." She said hugging me before walking out ..
"Ok .." I said laying back down
I'm just ready to get this done and over with .. She's the only girl , the only person that makes me feel the way I do ... Michelle had a good point tho , so I called up my manager to see if we can set up a concert for the low low in about a week in which he agreed to now all we have to do is make sure My Goddess be there ...I got up to go get a donut from the snack table for the staff and musicians.. Before I walked out I seen Kelly and jumped right back into my room .. I've been avoiding her this is the first time I've seen her since our discussion.. I heard her singing
"I'm not gon cry , im not gon cry
I'm not gon shed no tears
No  I'm not gon  cry a second time cause your not worth my tears ..."
She wiped tears off of her face , God knows I just wanted to go over there and take her into my arms but I can't ...
It's now time for the show .. We avoided each other as much as we could .. I went out there and did my thang you know Queen Bey had to work it ..We performed like nothing was going on even tho it was hard .. Damn did she look good tho .. Her thick thighs , chocolate smooth skin let me stop before I get turned on ..

After the show as I was walking to my dressing room to gather my stuff I felt a pull on my arm .. I turned around to see none other than Ms. Kelly Rowland and Michelle ..
Lord give me strength

Michelle Pov
The show was great but awkward for me .. These two are  something else.. I seen the way Kelly Gawked at Beyoncé's outfit and I Seen the way Beyonce looked at Kelly.. Every time I see these two they either crying , eating,moping , singing love songs, or trying to act nonchalant about it.. That all stops today because we are going to talk and I'm going to be right there because I'm tired of this .. After the show I grabbed Kelly by her ear and we walked up to Bey her arm and pulled them into My dressing Room and locked the door..
" What are you doing ?" Bey said with an annoyed but depressed look ... I think Kelly noticed cause looked at her with worry...
" I'm getting y'all to talk and I'm not leaving this room until something  is resolved .." I said giving them both a stern look ..
"Michelle .. She doesn't want talk to me .. " Bey said In sad and soft tone ,while wiping a tear away ...Kelly looked like she was ready to hold her but didn't ..
" She's going to have to today.. I don't like seeing y'all like this I don't and never did .. Beyonce look at yourself you usually smile and be fierce but your not .. And Kelly your usually being Goofy and in Boss chick mode but your not .. Look at what y'all are doing to each other .." I said looking  at both of them .. Beyonce just shook her head ,wiping her face from all the tears she was shedding ..
" No .. No no no .." She cried
" Bey.." Me and Kelly both said
" She hates me .. I'm stupid .. Selfish .. She doesn't want me in her life .. Over these years I've been breaking .. I can't do it anymore .. I'm sorry okay I'm sorry .. I hope you have a wonderful marriage I'll stay out of your life for good ...I'm sorry that I'm in love with you .." Beyonce Cried more like sobbed harder .. She yanked her arm away from me and tried to walk out ..Kelly grabbed her and pulled her into her ..
"Let me Go ..!" Bey yelled trying to get loose ..
" BB ..." Kelly said softly making Bey look up ..
"Kelly ? Why wh-" GCO
" I'm sorry .. And I - I love you I'm in love with you.. Im sorry I neglected you went distant.. And I'm willing to try to rekindle this friendship if you are .." Kelly said while looking into Beys eyes .. I just sat there happy as ever ..
" Everything I do , Everything I write  everything I sing is meant for you .. But yes I would love to have an friendship .. Can I get a um a k-kiss f-fo-" GCO
" of course " Kelly said leaning in .. Bey looked so happy .. Suddenly their lips crashed .. Kiss was getting heated ..
" mmm.." Bey moaned .. I needed to stop this now
" ok ok you guys can stop now .." I said removing them from each other's grasps... Bey blushed and looked down ..
" Um I got a show next week and I would really love if you came .. Could you ?" Bey asked nervously... Kelly smiled and grabbed her hand ..
" Yes we will come .." Me and Kelly both said ..
" Well I gotta to go I'll see you guys later .." Bey said smiling  looking at Kelly and biting her lip before walking out ..
I did good ..

Kelly Pov
I hated seeing Bey  like that .. I loved her I LOVE her .. I'm getting married and she's already married it's time to move on .. The outfit she had on looked absolutely amazing ..
Seeing her break down and cry like that because of me hurt man ..But that kiss that kiss was amazing I know that she's the person I suppose to be with but she's with someone and I'm going to do the same ... God knows I love her ..
" I did good .." Michelle beamed making me roll my eyes ..
" oh shut up .." I said laughing she pushed me ..
" y'all would make a great couple but little steps at a time .. Maybe you should call her later .." Michelle said
" she's married with a family and so will I be soon .. But maybe I will .. Talk to you later girl .." I said hugging her before leaving .. This day went better than expected ..
I got her back in my life
But how will I actually have her as my GIRL

It's Destiny ~Beyonce and Kelly Fanfiction GxG~Where stories live. Discover now