Babies, Babies, and more Babies

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It's four months later, I sped it up a little. Lauren is due any moment she's 9 months. Nicki is 8, Michelle is 6 and Bey 4.


"Aye gorgeous, can I get another beer? Please," I asked while eyeing the blonde haired woman who was standing a few feet away from me behind the bar.

She smirked and nodded her head." Coming right up hoe," she said laughing.

Ive been knowing her for a while now, we just click. She swears up and down I'm a hoe but I'm not I just tend to have hoeish ways.

"How many times I gotta tell you that Ian no hoe Tish," I said smiling.

She walked over to me placing my beer down in front of me.

"Because you are Bugbug," she said laughing leaning against the bar.

She's been calling me that annoying nickname since I met her. Tisha is a fine girl, I've been trying to get with her for the longest but she stay playing. Her body is ridiculous, curves in all the right places, curly long blonde hair, mixed with dimples and that ass was to die for. A complete baddie. I can't focus on that now though, I have to figure this shit out with Lauren and Michelle.

"Man you know I want you but you've been playing," I said sucking my teeth.

I took a sip of my beer, rolling my eyes. She just laughed and playfully pushed me.

"Youse a Hoe Keh. You know all you want is my NaNa," she said with a slight grin.

I licked my lips," if I wanted it I could get it trust me," I said smirking.

She laughed and rolled her eyes." Girl please, if you could get the nana would've been had it. I'm not Finna get caught up in your mess," she said wiping down the bar.

"Man why you gotta be like that. You know you want some of this," I said gulping down the rest of my beer.

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me." No you know you want some of this. This pussy will rock your world," she said slightly above a whisper.

I was def turned on by now," Well why don't you show me what that pussy can do," I said rubbing my hands together.

She sighed," cause Lani you gon fuck then leave. I don't have time for that shit," she said walking off.

I was going to go after her but My phone started to ring.


Lauren~ My Water Broke!

~shit I'm on my way, stay on the phone with me.

27 hours later

I had to rush to get to her house and to the hospital but In the end it was worth it. We welcomed our baby Boy Logan Marcel Parrish into this world. And I have one more to come, I can't wait til my BabyGirl gets here.

I'm a parent now!!


Me and bey are heading to the doctor to find out the sex of the baby and do a check up.

"Babe you excited," I asked her pulling into the parking lot.

She smiled and nodded." I want another boy," she said rubbing her tummy.

I laughed," well I want a girl." I said getting out the car.

Bey has jay sperm and one of my eggs inside her so that it can be my baby too. I helped her out of the car and headed inside the building.

"Hello Mrs. & Mrs. Knowles. How's everything going," the doctor asks pulling her gloves on.

"Great. Just ready for the baby," Bey said laying back on the table.

The doctor put the gel on her stomach and felt around with the thingy. Forgive me but I don't know anything about this shit.

"It looks like your having a boy," she said smiling.

"Yes," bey Hollered sticking her tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Oh wait a minute.. It looks like your having a girl too. Congratulations your having twins," the doctor cheered.

"Twins," we both yelled at the sane time.

Lord What did I sign up for.


"Baby," I whine making grabby hands.

"Yes babe," she asked picking me up. I wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck.

"I horny daddy," I whined laying my head in the crook of her neck.

She laughed holding on to my ass. Her laugh is everything or maybe I'm just whipped. I can't help that I love this woman to bits and pieces. I can't wait til  we get married, that will be the second happiest day of my life because having my baby with Robyn will be the 1st.

"Baby imma sit you here for a moment while I fix you something to eat okay," she said putting me down on the couch.

She kissed my forehead and then headed into the kitchen.

"Robby can I play a game on your phone," I yelled swinging my feet.

She came in and brought me her phone then walked back into the kitchen. I played for awhile until I felt wetness, like water running down my legs. Then it hit me my water broke.

"Daddy," I cried out trying to get up. Robyn ran  into the living room to find out what was wrong.

"What's wrong baby," she asked panicking.

I grabbed her hand for her to help me up. " My water broke," I said.

She scurried to get our overnight bag and put me and everything in the car.  My baby is going to be a month early, I hope everything be okay.

34 hours later

My baby was finally here, Ricki Reon Fenty. I'm so happy, Rih haven't stopped crying. It was the most adorable thing, when she held him she instantly fell in love.

I'll give it 2 years then we can have our next one.

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