She's Expecting ?

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It's been a couple months now since our first date , everything's was going good until the day she told me some news I did not want to her to hear ...
Flash Back
We was just laying around in bed talking , but she was acting strange so I decided to confront her about it ..
"Um Babe?" I asked making her look at me ..
"Hm?" She replied turning away and looking down at her fingers ..
"What's wrong ?" I asked concerned.
" Uh Oh " She said before running to the bathroom and hurling .. I got up and held her hair back while she threw up , this really got me thinking .. She's been sick a lot lately, been craving food and acting strange ,is she pregnant? No No she can't be we vowed not have sex with Tim Or Jay Or anybody else since we was starting our relationship.. When she finished I decided to ask ... I helped her get cleaned up , gave her some mouth wash and got a ginger ale from the Fridge .. Once we got settled I asked ..
" Are you Pregnant?" I asked nervously and semi upset ..She tried looking everywhere but me until I grabbed her face and made her look at me..
"Kells are you Pregnant?" I asked again more sternly .. She looked at me with guilt in her eyes and I just shook my head and got up ..
"What the fuck Kelly !? I thought we vowed to never ever do dat shit .. This is cheating you know!?"I yelled running my hands threw my hair "And I'm here being loyal and shit not once kissing or touching Jay in any sexual manner but you you go and get pregnant?? How tf did it happen Kelendria? Start Talking !" I yelled at her making her jump ..
"I'm Sorry.. It was one night , it was a mistake . We got drunk and it just happened ," She said crying ..I just shook my head and laughed ..
"Mhmm well that's great .. Have a nice life with the baby and your future hubby .. I'm out of here ," I said grabbing my stuff and heading for the door just to be pulled back ..
" I-I'm sorry Beyonce please don't leave ," she pleaded while crying .. I kissed her on her head and said "Goodbye Kelendria," walking out and slamming the door .
End of flash back
I've been so depressed ever since then.. I've been working on some new music and it's really putting all my feelings out there .. My new album that I will be releasing is called lemonade .. My favorite song on the track list is sorry , but when I put that song out people thought is was about Jay since he is technically my husband even tho it's not bout him he still took the blame and made it seem as if he had cheated which he did not he's seeing someone and I am well I was ..
It's 1 more month until Kelly's wedding what should I do ? I want to break it up and get a divorce so that we can finally be together but I don't know ... While I was contemplating on whether or not I should get my girl back Nicki called (she knows about us too ).
Phone call
Nicki Baby 😍~ Hey girly what you up to ?
Me~Nun just thinking about Kells and music ..
Nicki Baby 😍 ~ What's going on ?
Me~ Well as you know already she's pregnant and the wedding is in a month .. I don't know whether or not to tell her I'm ready for us to be a real couple and end the wedding or to just go our separate ways ..
Nicki Baby 😍~ Look just do what your heart feels .. Go with your heart BeyBey .. But hey I'll call you later I got to go ..
Me~ ok thanks Nicks Bye .
End of phone call
Do what my heart say .. Imma get my girl back for good !

Every since Beyonce basically left me I haven't been myself , I've been stressing and I know Tim could tell because he told me that I need to just fix whatever's going on for the baby's sake and that he's sorry for this not for the baby but for tearing me and beys relationship apart with this .. I've been trying to contact Beyonce but she sends me straight to voicemail or ignore my texts .. Me and Tim are going to get married and live happily and like a real family since Bey obviously doesn't want anything to do with me .. I heard some of her new songs and I knew they were about me and that just made me worse than I was since the day she walked out of the door .. I cry just thinking about her ..
It's almost that time and Bey still have not came and tried to stop me from getting married I guess she doesn't care nomore ..
Phone call
Chelle👼🏽😇👭~ Hey girl
Chelle👼🏽😇👭~ What's wrong ?
Me~ It's Bey .. She still haven't called or anything .. She's really over me
Chelle👼🏽😇👭~Hey Don't cry she'll come around I promise but i got to go I'll call you later babes ..
Me~ No she won't but Ok Bye.
End of phone call
Tomorrow I have to go to one more fitting of the dress before my wedding day .. I still can't do anything but think of Beyonce .. My life is not complete without her .. I really hope she stop me from marryin this man .. I love Tim of course I do but I don't love him the way I love her , I wish she could just see that .. Please God Bring My Girl Back To Me If its Meant ..
And with that I laid in bed crying thinking about her , the love of my life .. We are destined to be together I truly believe that ..
It's destiny

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