Disappointed part 2

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"Tim how could you do that," I yelled at him.

Me and bey were currently at his house checking on him being that jay beat him pretty badly.

"If your going to yell at me then you can leave," he said holding the ice pack on his jaw.

I shook my head and looked over at bey.

"We are Disappointed in you Tim. That was disrespectful asf, it's no excuse for that. No matter how the fuck you feel Tim," Bey yelled with her hands on her hips.

He just shook his head and laid back.

"You are unbelievable," I said grabbing my keys."Bey let's go," I said walking towards the door.

Bey just shook her head at him and walked out the door grabbing my hand. When we got in she looked at me and pouted.

"What Baby," I poking her lip back in. She giggled poked it back out.

"I'm very disappointed in you right now," she tracing my jawline with her finger.

"Why babe," I asked looking over at her curiously.

She smiled and bit her lip. Her ole sexy ass, thank god I married this one.

"Cause you haven't gave me any food or my pussy any attention," she whined pouting. I laughed and placed my hand on her thigh." I'll give her some attention when we get home and what you want to eat," I asked squeezing her thigh.

She shivered and placed her hand on top of mines." I wanna eat you and she wants attention now baby. She's throbbing for you,"she whispered in my ear.

She licked the shell of my ear, taking it into her mouth biting on it.

"Mhmm baby.. Let me find a vacant spot," I moaned looking for somewhere to park.

Since she wanna be naughty, she's going to get what she asked for and much more.


I'm trying to run around this house doing everything Nicki want me to do. Her pregnant ass is two seconds from getting popped.

"Babeeeeeeeee," I heard her whine. I hurried upstairs to see what she want now.

"Yes baby," I asked sitting next to her.

She made grabby hands," I wanna cuddle daddy," she said grabbing onto my shirt.

I smiled at her baby ass." But babe I thought you wanted me to make you a smoothie," I said rubbing her butt.

"I not want it anymore," she said poking her lip out. I nodded and climbed into bed with her kissing her lips.

After a few minutes pass by she looks at me and starts playing with my lips.

"Daddy," she called out messing with my eyelids.

"Yes Princess," I asked opening my eyes.

She sighed," I'm mad at you," she said.

"For what," I asked. Ian did nothing so I don't know what she could be mad about.

"You never gave me my smoothie or food," she said tearing up.

I just looked at her like dafuq.

"Onika you said you didn't want it anymore. I've been ripping and running all day for you," I said lowly getting up to make her food&smoothie.

"I can't believe you yelling at me. I'm disappointed in you. I thought you loved me and were happy about the baby," she said crying.

I picked her crybaby ass up and took her downstairs with me, sitting her on the counter while I made her stuff.

She is going to have to get a grip.


Me and Lani is heading into the doctors office now and I know something is wrong but she won't talk. I guess I'll try to figure out after this appointment.

1 hour later

He said the baby was healthy and that we can find out the sex of the baby next month. I hope it's a girl but I'll love my child regardless of gender.

"Baby," I called out grabbing her hand as the car came to a stop.

She looked over to me , caressing my cheek.

"Yes," she asked smiling at me. I liked moments like this, when it's just us and I feel like we're the only two in the world.

"What's wrong," I ask placing my hand on top of hers that's was on my face.

She sighed and let a tear slip out.

"I'm tired of doing this to you guys. I'm disappointed that I let it get as far as it is. I'm disappointed that Im hurting you guys," she said breaking down.

I reached over to let her seat back and straddled her laying my head on her chest.

"It's okay, I'm upset and disappointed that it has to be this way but I'm not giving up on you Unless you give me a reason to keh. I love you and if I have to wait awhile longer to have you I will," I said hanging onto her neck.

She snuggled into my neck and held me by my waist.

"Michelle," she said pulling back looking at me.

"Yes Lani," I asked sitting up.

"I know I don't say this off but I love you too," she said smiling.

My heart beat sped up hearing those words come out of her mouth. A tear escaped her eye, I wiped it up and pulled her into a hug.

"Let's go home," I said kissing her before getting back into my seat.

I love this girl to death I just hope in the end I'm not disappointed.

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