Years Later

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No ones pov
So as you know the girl group Destiny's child broke up but not for the reasons you thought or because they just wanted to go there separate ways it was because Kelly and bey was not talking and it was hard to work without them communicating .. They haven't communicated in years unless they had to perform . They all became very successful on their own some bigger than others but still successful..Beyonce thinks of Kelly everyday and miss her everyday her songs are for Kelly not jay .. Beyonce came to terms with her feelings one day when she saw Kelly with her boo thing she felt the jealousy and realized she loved Kelly ..Kelly has been going on with her life and is good at avoiding bey . She still has those feelings but she's tired of running around trying not to face her .. What happens when they have to do the Super Bowl together ? And Michelle wants them in her new gospel song ? Will they interact and let bygones be bygones?..
Kelly Pov
My life is going great ,yeah I still have feelings for Beyonce but hey it is what it is .. I've gotten good at avoiding her as the years passed .. While I'm sitting down on my couch watching television I get a call from an unknown number ..
"Hello?" I asked
" Um yes hi is this Ms. Kelly Rowland ?" The man asked
"Yes and who's speaking ?" I responded
" This is Beyoncé's manager .. She had an idea for You, Michelle , and herself to-" GCO
" I'm sorry but I don't affiliate with Beyonce .." I said
" Yes I know but we wanted you guys to perform at the Super Bowl .. How bout you think about it and give me a call?" He said with hope ..
" Um sure I'll be in touch .." I responded
" Deadline is next Friday .. Pleasure doing business with you .. I hope you decide to do this performance.. Talk to you soon Goodbye .." He said
"Bye.." I said hanging up the phone .. Oh lord I do not have time for Beyonce .. I'm just gonna call back and tell them no .. I need to talk to Michelle ..
Phone call
"Hello?" Michelle said
"Hey I'm On my way over to your house ok?" I said
"Ohh no no no you can't come right now .." She said in a panicked voice
"Why? I'm like literally pulling up into your driveway .. Aye who's car is this ?" I questioned
"Damn it why didn't you call earlier ?" She said
" just come open the door ." I said
"Bu-"GCO . I hung up before she can say anything else ..
She opens the door and when I walked in I instantly regret it ..
Beyonce Pov
I was at Michelle house panicking and nervous as to if Kelly would want to perform with me well us or not .. Michelle was otp with someone who I guess is suppose to be coming over .. When she goes to open the door and the person walks in my heart instantly stops ...
"Uh maybe I should go .. I'll just call you later Chelle .." Kelly said
" No We need to Talk .." Michelle said with an serious tone ..
" What do you mean "We"?" Kelly said
" I mean us three well mainly y'all two .." Michelle responded
" Hey um if you need to talk to chelle I'll just leave .." I said .. Kelly just looked at me and turned away ..
" No no ones leaving now Kelly go sit ya butt down .." Chelle said .. She was always like the mother one out of all of us .. Kelly did as told but sat on the other couch far way from me ... It hurt to see that she don't want to have anything to do with me ..
" what do we need to talk about ?" Kells said
" look we have a performance together coming up and y'all need to start talking for the sake of that .." Chelle said
" That's what I actually was coming to talk to you about .. I didn't want to call Mrs . Knowles-Carter manager back and I was going to tell you to tell them that there will be no Kelly at this performance .." She said
" Why not Kells? " I asked sadly and confused
" It is Kelendria to you .." she said harshly .. Damn that hurt .. I was ready to crawl into a hole and just ball up and cry at the way she was being towards me ..
" Kelly why are you being like this ? It's just one performance after that you can go your separate ways, well after my video and song that we will be doing together and there's no if ands or buts about it .." Chelle said
"I'm not being no way Chelle .. I'll do that for you but the performance I will not do .. You know why I don't affiliate with her and I will not affiliate with Mrs. Carter .. But I will do the video and song for you and you only .." Kelly said
Tbh this shit was hurting like Michelle knew why she wasn't talking to me and never said anything ..
" You knew ?" I asked Michelle In a soft but hurt tone
"Huh?" Chelle said while Kelly was just looking everywhere but at me ..
" You knew this whole time why she wasn't talking to me and you didn't tell me ?" I said on the verge of crying .. She looked guilty
" Yes I knew .. But you don't understand .." She said
"Don't understand what ? That you knew how I felt but you didn't tell me anything .. I could've been fixed whatever I did so wrong .." I said
" Kelly you need to talk to her NOW !" Michelle said .. She motioned for us to go upstairs and she stayed down stairs to make sure we didn't leave .. I followed Kelly to the back room ..
After a few moments of silence I finally spoke ..
" Kelly.. Why-" GCO
"Look ill do the stupid performance Mmk? Tell your manager ..Now goodbye ." She said I grabbed her arm before she could walk out ..
" Kelly forget that ! Why are you not talking to me it's been years not months, weeks , days fucking years I just want explanation.." I said
" You .. Look You stupid if you don't know how I felt .. You got a boyfriend , engaged and now married and Im stupid because I still ... You know what I explained enough ... Bye Beyonce .." She said walking out.. I was shocked because I knew exactly how she felt when she was with ole boy ... I hated seeing her dating I never thought she felt the same ..I ran down the stairs ..
"Kelly!" I yelled she turned around saying bye to Chelle and walked out .. I just cried I keep losing her ..
I need to talk to her with out her running ..

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