Day 2: Cuddling Somewhere

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Darkiplier was laying across the couch, watching a horror movie and laughing as stupid people got killed. He was pant-less, (internal eye roll) and only wore a tank top and boxers. Pushing his hair back and sighing at a soft headache, he looked around for Anti.
He secretly missed the angry voice of his lover who had oddly been quiet. It was unlike him. Very much so. So, pausing his movie he went up the dark wooden staircase of their secluded cabin home, and up into the master bedroom. Dark was met with with the sight of Anti cuddling a Foxy plush as he slept.
The older being smirked and walked over to his pale skinned lover and slid his hand up the other's side and kissed the shell of his ear, "Wake up dearest Anti~"
Anti shivered and made a soft gasp as Dark's cold hands ran up his warm side and whispered out, (Triiggggers ahead for some people...😳) "Daddy Dark..."
The glint in Dark's eyes made his mind rush with hot situations and the smirk on his face grow before his hand ran over Anti's forehead. "Good god're burning up!" 
Anti nodded and only cuddled his plush tighter, "Yeah...been like that far' a while now."
Dark sighed and pushed back Anti's green locks and made the other purr, "Do you want me to cool you down, baby boy?"
Anti opened his green eye halfway, staring at Dark with hooded eyelids, "Yes Daddy Dark." Anti then peeled off his hot shirt, getting stuck halfway making Dark help him.
Dark was concerned over Anti and kissed his eyebrow and made the other make out the softest of giggles. Dark's eyes softened and scooted Anti to the middle of the bed before sliding in beside him and pulling the Irishman into his arms. Anti sighed against Dark's cool body and purred as his warm cheek met with Dark's chest, "Yar' gonna' get sick ya' doof." Dark scoffed and played with Anti's hair, "You don't know me very well if you think that's the case."
Anti laughed softly and placed the softest of kisses onto Dark's lips, fangs gently poking into his bottom lip. Dark kissed gently back and squeezed Anti's hip, possessively growling, "Mine."
Anti shivered and melted further into the kiss, liking Dark's possessiveness. "All yours Daddy Dark~" He whimpered in pleasure when Dark pulled away to nibble on Anti's neck, "All mine."
The two cuddled for the rest of the night, separating for when Dark got up to get Anti some food and water, making Anti yell at him for trying to help.
Dark only set the things down and made Anti purr as Dark petted his hair and fed him while they cuddled. Anti didn't like when Dark became so....nice...but he also loved being babied.
He'd never tell Dark that though, even though, he probably already knew. So, for the night, Dark fed, nursed, and cuddled Anti 'till he got better. The two were inseparable the whole night, and, for once, Dark enjoyed being close and soft with each other, it was a nice change.

And here is Day Two! Like it, comment, read it! :3 <3

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