Day 19: In Formal Wear

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Anti X Dark
Anti pulled the black tie tight against his neck while a lady fixed his jacket and tucked in his shirt. Anti's tail swished impatiently as the lady was being slow, keeping him from his date with Dark.
The lady rolled her eyes and swatted his tail away, "Patience brother. Dark is still getting ready too. Or don't ya' notice that by the way your soul is flutterin'?"
Anti blinked and placed a hand on his chest, feeling Dark's soul itching to get going but yet seeming stuck. "I guess Yar' right. It's kinda hard to pay attention ta' that though. Especially when yar' makin' me look spiffy."
Anti's demon sister nodded, her dark purple eyes brightening for her younger brother before ruffling his hair, "Go get 'em tiger."
Anti's tail swung happily as he hugged his taller and older sister goodbye. He then walked over to the other side of his sister's house to see Dark's broad shoulders and back as Dark pulled on his tie. Anti only smirked as Dark growled out, "Someone CUT THESE DAMN HOLES IN THE BACK NOW!! My wings are aching."
Anti pranced over and ran his hands over Dark's broad back, kissing his neck where an intricate skull and rose design was tattooed.  Dark hummed and looked down into Anti's different colored eyes, smiling when Anti pecked his cheek and snuggled his face into Dark's back, whispering softly, "I'd cut the holes Dark, but then your suit would be ruined. And (don't know his sister's name honestly, I couldn't find anything on the Internet) Freesia is the designer here. She'll be over soon."
Dark nodded and turned around and pulled Anti into his arms, chuckling when a certain tail wrapped around his arm. Anti purred at the way Dark's clothes stretched over the muscle underneath and fit like a glove. Dark smirked and pulled open the side of his jacket to show a small pocket with the shock collar controller already stuffed inside. Anti's mouth went dry at the sight of it before placing kisses all along Dark's jaw and making the older man chuckle.
Freesia then came over, smiling all knowingly at the soul mates before shooing Anti away and making him whine. Dark's smile could never be more genuine as he watched Freesia work on the shirt and jacket of his tux, all while Anti was pouting and his tail was swishing angrily. Freesia only shook her head, "That boy is stuck to you like bones to a body, I've never seen him so impatient to go somewhere. Unless you count the times with Darksh-"
Dark cut her off with his eyes going black and his eyes leaking out red smoke, "Don't you ever say her name in this household. That wench has no purpose to serve besides men, and I'd rather not go into what I did to her Freesia."
Freesia froze, purple eyes looking scared, before she bowed down quickly with a soft, "Forgive me your Majesty."
Dark sighed, his wings popping out of the holes in the back, "You'll pay for your forgiveness by making Anti happy. That's all I want."
Freesia nodded and went to talk to Anti and hug him silly. Dark watched with a heated itching crawling up his spine before walking over to the pair after a couple of minutes, shooing Freesia away from his soulmate before smiling when Anti squealed and shook from the shock collar.  Dark kneeled down next to his lover as he fell to his knees, and caressed his cheek while Anti made the smallest of whines for more. "Later Anti, later my little baby boy. For now we need to get going. We have reservations, and I'd rather not be late like Markiplier always is."
Anti let out a little mewl and held out his arms, making little grabby hands as his knees were jello and his toes were numb. Dark shook his head at how lazy Anti was and picked him up bridal style, paying Freesia a small amount of money before exiting the home with a sigh of relief as the darkness of the night surrounded him. Anti purred as he was carried, tail swinging back and forth as he admired Dark in a suit, something he didn't see often. Dark looked down at Anti who looked like a cat waiting to pounce on his prey, before Dark's wings unfolded and powerfully launched him and his soulmate into the air, towards their destination. The wind whipped through Dark's hair as he flew along with Anti in his arms, Anti watching with amused eyes as he looked down at the small world they resided in. Dark looked down at Anti who's tail was wrapped around his leg, and who's hands and claws dug into Dark's suit. The taller male only chuckled at Anti's grip before his eyes glowed red and he flew even faster to their destination like a bullet.
Anti squealed as Dark flew too fast, closing his eyes as the wind whipped against Dark faster and stopped all together and Anti opened his eyes when Dark set him on his feet.
The smaller demon gasped as he saw the large restaurant in front of him and immediately ran inside like a kid to a candy shop. Darkiplier only shook his head, folding up his wings as he walked into the restaurant after his childish mate.
Anti was already bugging the counterman, and Dark had to clamp a hand over his mouth to shut him up before saying darkly to the man, "Reservation for Fischbach."
The man at the counter then checked in his book only to look confused, "Mark or Dark?"
Anti's eyes widened to the size of saucers before he dashed towards the dining hall, searching for green hair and found the fool sitting with a red headed Mark. Dark's soul twitched at the mention of his "other half" before whispering to the man, "Darkiplier. I'll be picking my own seat tonight."
The man looked ready to protest but Dark cut him off with a flash of the eyes before walking over to Anti and tossing him over his shoulder and making him squeal and beat on Dark's back to be let down. The green and red fools across the room looked up only for their eyes to widen and look back to their menus. Dark sat Anti in a corner booth where they had an easy exit and still no one could see them, perfect for two demons. Anti huffed and looked at Dark with glowing eyes and a pout, "This was supposed ta' be our night Daddy Darky..."
Dark sighed before sitting next to Anti and kissing his temple, "It's not ruined yet, there's always the chance that we can ruin their date before they can ruin ours."
Anti's eyes looked up into Dark's with a mischievous look before Anti leaned in and kissed his soulmate. Dark hummed and growled against Anti's lips who in return let out a soft mewl and grabbed onto Dark's wind whipped locks. The older of the two then pressed his hand against Anti's back and pulled him up against himself to which Anti gasped, letting Dark slide his tongue into his lover's wet cavern and mess around with Anti's long tongue. Anti whined as pleasure pierced through his belly like a sharp knife. Dark pulled away, the saliva connecting the two's lips together for a moment before Dark wiped off Anti's plump lips, watching his cheeks and pointed ears burn bright red in embarrassment.
The older demon looked over at Mark who had a clear view of them and saw his grimace of disgust at the way too overly affectionate act in public. Jack grabbed Mark's hand to reassure him and Dark only grinned menacingly, looking back down at Anti who was looking over the menu. Dark let his wing wrap around Anti, making the smaller blink before giving the wing a gentle pet as his tail wrapped around Dark's arm.
Dark smiled darkly at Anti's affection and looked up right as the waiter walked over with a scared look over his features. "Hello and welcome to The Forest where our famous red and white wines reside, what can I get for you two gentledemons-I-I mean gentlemen to-today?" He stuttered, and Dark tilted up Anti's chin, showing off a fang filled grin as he stared into Anti's bright eyes.
"My mate right here would love some white wine, and I will take the red wine, if you ask my age I'll make sure your windpipe gets crushed." Dark smiled devilishly before turning back to Anti, "Did you want an appetizer?"
Anti's eyes glinted with lust and Dark knew by the dark flutter of their souls that Anti had a different answer then what he was going to say, "The calamari actually. Seemed quite good, oh! And bring out your "Wood fire fettuccine Alfredo" extra spicy for my meal. If you would~"
The waiter shakily wrote it all down and then looked to Dark for his order. The older demon's eyes glowed, "I'll have the steak, done over cooked, with the steak fries, and the side salad with the Italian dressing. And the dessert is to be shared between my handsome mate and I. Give me the firework cheesecake, oh...and...make it free or you'll be dead where you stand, thank you. Now shoo." The waiter nodded quickly, getting everything down before running to the kitchen.
The sudden hot breath on Dark's cheek made him aware that Anti had something to say. (Heheh the song I am listening to has the album name "Aware") The smaller demon's tail unwound from Dark's arm before it wagged behind him, the demon within Anti's body, hungry for more attention from Dark. The bigger demon himself turned and was suddenly kissed by an awaiting Anti. The small demon crawled onto Dark's lap, sitting with his knees on either side of Dark's legs as he cupped his lover's cheeks, making Dark's mouth open from the force of the kiss.
Anti's elongated tongue slipped into Dark's mouth and wrapped around the smaller tongue that Dark owned. Dark growled as Anti was in his mischievous moods, not liking that Anti was trying to be dominant. Anti whimpered slightly, letting his tongue slip back into his own mouth, his face painted in red and his eyes hazy from lust, "You're my appetizer Daddy Dark~"
Dark looked up at his mate, eyes smoking and glowing from growing lust. "You've been a bad boy Anti. You know what that means."
The way Anti's soul kickstarted, Dark knew he was excited, so as he got out the remote and turned up the dial on it...Anti started kissing Dark's neck with gentle nipped kisses, leaving marks for the feeling of possession.
Dark then hummed before pressing the button and watching as Anti cried out so loud the whole restaurant heard it and continued to watch as Anti fell onto the floor, limbs twitching with so much pleasure that everything was numb. Jack looked horrified at his counterpart and hid his face in his hands. Dark just laughed and nudged Anti with his foot before asking, "Are you alive?" (I was watching Garfield the movie and watched as a man got a shock collar around his neck, and literally, without thinking yelled out, "Anti would fuckin' love that!" Sorry neighbors!)
Anti nodded and with his tongue licking his lips he rasping answered, "Fuck me...that felt so good!" Dark smiled devilishly and helped Anti back into his seat, his eyes following Anti as the younger demon purred and mewled as he nuzzled on Dark and showed him his love. The older demon then gave in, pecking Anti's forehead and letting him curl up under his arm.
The couple went on being lovey Dover all through the evening, Anti even flicking a noodle at Mark and making his hair a mess. Jack really tried holding in his laughs at that but seemed to fail as Mark glared over at Darkiplier and Anti. Mark then pouted at his boyfriend who then took Mark to the bathroom to clean up his hair.
Dark and Anti ate in peace, Dark having a fit as Anti got food on his tux and all over his face. Anti grinned at Dark's OCD before finishing his meal and wine.
The couple then fed each other the amazing cheesecake, Anti going as far to lick the extra crumbs off of Dark's cheek all the while Dark watched and pressed the shock collar button, having another episode of what happened earlier.
Only this time Anti was panting and was putty in Dark's hands, both literally and figuratively as Dark paid for the meal, hit Mark over the head with his wing and walked out with the image of a furious Mark who's own eyes turned black before Jack rushed over to calm him down.
Anti giggled and waved bye to a pissed off Jack before Dark walked out into the night once again, looking down at a purring Anti, his eyes focused on Dark's heart spot while letting out little meals every now and then. Dark sighed at his mate's cuteness before feeling his soul squeeze tighter around Anti's making them both blink hard at the feeling before leaning in and kissing each other silly.
The taller demon really loved Anti, and knew that eternity would never let them part.

Honestly that one left me with huge writer's block. Happens a lot when you write six different books. But this chapter is longer because it is an apology to the dear readers who didn't get their Septiplier or AntiDark loving the past few days. I am VERY sorry! Forgive me senpai's! :(

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