Day 17: Spooning

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Anti X Dark
Anti lay in bed, feeling a twinge in his stomach as he thought of his past breakup. He always thought Darkshu was a nice demon. (Using his actual girlfriend right now, who made a counterpart of herself.)
He had met her when they were after the same target. She was a succubus, and his mischievousness (hate that word never can spell it) caught on to her sneaky self. Darkshu smiled at him and he fell hard. Anti had walked up to her and told her she was very beautiful and probably wouldn't date him.
She waved it off and giggled, stealing his heart before he saw what was coming before Anti fell in love with her, dated her, became her boyfriend, and watched as she kissed other men with her death filled kiss and felt pangs of jealousy.
It would never be his fault, because he then followed her out on one of her jobs and saw her meet another demon, this time an incubus.
And Anti watched with an aching heart and his soul blazing as they kissed and he touched her in all the wrong places-Anti's eyes blazed and he swore the depths of hell had never felt so cold to his on fire body. This was all a game to Darkshu, and Anti played right into her palm. A succubus...Anti thought, could never be trusted.
So, Anti watched them make love under the stars, and he watched as the incubus slept with Darkshu, and stared at the place where Darkshu's heart lie inside her chest.
He hoped she felt the emptiness inside her husk of a body, but stopped staring and turned away as his gaze left a spark of fire that ignited on Darkshu's chest, forming a green heart that was cut in half with the words, "Heartless cheater." And that's when she started screaming at the pain of it from burning into her soul and Anti pretended he didn't hear as he walked back to his home.
The next day he found a dark figure standing over his bed and those red eyes bored into his own. The figure stood stoic and Anti sat up quickly and pounced off the bed toward the figure.
The figure tut-tutted and side stepped Anti's attack before grabbing the smaller demon by the back of the shirt and made him gasp in surprise before he was thrown back onto the bed, breath leaving his lungs as his back hit his headboard.
Anti coughed up phlegm from the attack and breathed in deep as air filled his lungs and the dark figure came into view, the moonlight hitting his face in a way that made Anti cringe away. The figure stood in the light, it's cracking smile with millions of teeth frightening and the sunken in eyes filled with black and red made Anti look away.
This was his death, he had thought before the figure hosed out a soft breath and dissipated into voice so smooth and song like, "Disturbia, it's like the darkness in the light. Disturbia am I scarin' you tonight?"
Anti looked over into the figure's direction and blushed as those red eyes seemed kind and that smile was more teasing and sweet than sinister. The eyes of a high class demon was staring at him, and he wasn't bowing down like he should. That's when the high class demon walked forward and showed Anti his face and made him whisper in awe, "Darkiplier..."
The demon grinned and tilted up Anti's chin, "Your revenge plan has been called upon and I have decided to lend you my powers in fulfilling your wish. What do you want me to do with Wiishu's counterpart Mr. McLoughlin?"
Anti's eyes blazed and glared into Darkiplier's, "Carve what she is into her neck and torture her soul like she did mine. Make sure she suffers."
Darkiplier chuckled and shifted onto his other foot, looking at Anti's eyes and seeing the true intentions before his smile curled back into something sinister. "As you wish young mischief demon, I'll be back to deal with the problem at hand's report."
Anti nodded and interlocked hands with the devil himself as he made a deal.
-Flashback over-
Anti lay in bed, knees curled up to his chest as he heard what Dark did to her and felt slightly sick. His past self felt no pity for Darkshu's fate and he felt kinda bad. But that was the old Dark, the hell torturer.
The sudden warmth made Anti's thoughts fade and he looked back to see Dark who looked exhausted. Anti pulled Dark's arms around himself before snuggling up to him and letting his tail rub soothing circles in Dark's hip. "Another tough day?" Dark nodded and nuzzled his face into Anti's neck before kissing a sore hickey.
Anti giggled and made Dark smile before their souls fluttered in time together as one. The two spooned and all pity for Darkshu's fate vanished from Anti's mind. Dark was a changed demon, he was softer and cared for so much more. Anti guessed he did that to Dark.
Dark fell asleep during a point in time while listening to his lover's purring and the soothing touch of Anti's tail in his bruises from the boss fights he had done earlier.
Anti soon turned in Dark's hold and kissed the smooth plain of Dark's nose watching as Dark's breathing deepened in his sleep.
"You're not the man I met four years ago Dark."
No answer came back but the wisp of breath from Dark's lips as he slept on.
Anti ran his hands through Dark's hair and grinned when his boyfriend's face snuggled into his chest, Anti continuing on while his tail swung back and forth in time with their heartbeats.

And that's Day 17! I have nothing against Wiishu, even though I want Septiplier to come true :( But they seem happy together, even though it breaks my shipper heart. But anyway-how did you like the blast from the past? What about the mysterious Dark eh?

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