Day 8: Shopping

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The two men were out shopping at a music store near a mall, enjoying the day out.Mark was browsing the trumpets, laughing silently at fond memories of playing it in his teen years back in school.
He looked around as soon as he heard the sounds of drumming coming from the front. He realized his boyfriend was gone, and figured he was browsing around.
But, when he searched the entire back of the store he blinked as he saw a crowd around his boyfriend who was drumming happily, his hat off and gathering up money as he drummed with a grin splitting his cheeks.
Mark walked over and watched as Jack twirled the drumsticks around in his hands as he played his music loud and clear.
People started to leave money in the hat as Jack was lost in the music.
Mark watched with his hood up so people wouldn't bother him or Jack as Jack finished a song only to gasp and blush brightly as people erupted into cheers and loud clapping. Mark, just tease, shouted out, "Encore!!! Encooooore!" The people started to chant after Mark and soon Jack was sighing before playing another tune.
Mark laughed and winked at Jack as he walked by only to get a glare as Jack returned to the music. Mark hummed happily as he looked at new headphones and browsed the store for the next fifteen minutes while Jack played for the people.
Soon, a hand grabbed Mark's ear and made him stop his random mumbling with a quick, "Ahah!!"
Jack crossed his arms as he glared up at Mark, his wallet weighing down his back pocket as it was filled with cash. "You're buying me a drum set Mark."
Mark pouted and stroked Jack's cheek, "Do I have to? I just wanted to hear you were really good..."
Jack leaned gently into Mark's touch before realizing Mark was trying to flatter him, "That's what happened when you play for a band Mark. Yar' goin' ta' pay far' that drum set."
Mark sighed and smiled gently, "I'll buy you the drum set, buy me a microphone."
Jack blinked before sighing and rolling his eyes, "Okay. I'll buy you a microphone."
Mark grinned and hopped up and down, making Jack giggle softly, "Really?"
Jack nodded, calming down his hyper boyfriend before leading him to the counter to buy the two items. The cashier took their cash while Mark loaded the drum set into Jack's SUV. Jack watched as his sexy boyfriend loaded up their stuff, tapping Mark's ass. "Keep up the good work Markimoo~"
Mark jumped and rolled his eyes at Jack's antics, "Sure Jackababy."
He continued on loading in the microphone while Jack played around with his green and blue drumsticks in the driver's seat, "Come on Markimoo~ I want to go to Hot Topic to look at band shirts! Also to see if there is game merch!"
Mark laughed before slamming the trunk and hopping into the passenger seat, "Let's go!!" He yelled, pointing towards the mall while Jack and him laughed happily.

And that's Day 8!!

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