Day 27: On one of their birthdays

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AntiDark w/h a surprise
A ripple passed along Anti's stomach and he fell to his knees in pain. The sound of a plate hitting the floor and crashing was deafening through the kitchen of their cabin home, and Dark rushed to his soulmate's side as Anti gasped for breath at the sudden pain that ripped through his torso. Glass had been shattered on the floor, but Dark picked up his heavily pregnant mate and held him close while setting a hand over the swollen stomach. The sudden cry that ripped through Anti's lips made Dark panic as his mate repeated, "D-Dark! Get me to a-a damn hospital o-or somethin'!"
But they both knew that there was no hospital nearby, nowhere close to them could deliver a baby anyhow. Dark as gently as possible took Anti upstairs in bed and gently leaned him up against the headboard, cupping his cheek he whispered while looking into his soulmate's worried eyes, "I can't teleport you. There's no hospital within an hour of where we live, and we're technically snowed in. We're going to have our baby here. I'll do the best I can-" but he was cut short by Anti's face contorting in pain and those long slender claws tearing into the bed as a contraction caught Anti off guard.
Dark immediately panicked but helped by sliding off Anti's pants and boxers for him and then letting Anti squeeze his hand until it almost crushed the bone. The tail that usually swayed in a slow pattern was lashing out like a snake as the contractions got closer together. Encouragement was offered from Dark and he made sure the procedure was going fine to the best of his abilities.
Time passed and soon Dark was telling his soulmate to push and the sudden scream that ripped from Anti's throat made Dark whimper but kept him going until he watched as his beautiful new born baby was in his arms that was wrapped in a towel. The baby's cry was a beautiful sound to Dark's ears as he wiped the blood off the bright pale skin of their newborn baby boy. He had the tiniest of nubs growing out of his dark brown hair that already floofed up in the tiniest of curls, the tiny wings on his back stretched and spread with every cry his tiny throats forced out. He was perfect, and Dark gently cooed at the tiny baby in his arms before cutting the umbilical cord with precise claws and suddenly the sound of Anti's loud groan made him look up only to see that his mate in deep discomfort. The quick jerk of their souls made Dark gasp and he watched as Anti mouthed, "It's not stopping-" before he cried out again and suddenly Dark had snapped his fingers and several demon doctors were in the room. They all looked around in confusion before staring at Dark when he growled out while pointing at his mate, "Here-NOW!!!!"
They all scrambled and a doctor quickly glowed his eyes at Dark and their tools were floating in mid-air. Dark sighed slightly but didn't get the freedom of calmness because by then, a nurse pried the crying babe out of his arms and he gave a low growl when she quickly laid him down and started cleaning him off and injecting him with vaccines and such. Meanwhile Anti screamed and suddenly Dark was by his side, rubbing over the still swollen flesh of his mate's belly and whispering comforting words in Anti's ear. The doctor's crowded around the large demon's mate and the time seemed to slow down as Anti cursed every bad word in the book at Dark and those claws suddenly lashed out and caught the more dominant male in the bicep and across his cheek.
He hissed in pain but knew deep down that he caused his mate this hurt. Their souls pulsated in time with one another and it seemed like hours had gone by when another cry ripped through the air, only it didn't stop, and Anti made a loud whimper as he saw that the doctor's had fell to their knees. Dark, on the other hand, realized that the baby's crying had made them all stop what they were doing and he gently did the same as before, cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the small demon babe in a towel. He smiled with glee even though it was a little sinister with blood dripping down his cheek at the small baby in his arms. The doctor's soon blinked out of their haze and fixed Anti up while Dark greeted his second child.
The small being in his arms had a darker completion complete with black arms with spikes and a small tail that lashed out like his "mother's". He had dark brown hair complete with a third eye in the middle of his forehead. Two small horns jutted out from the side of the small infant's head and Dark gently rested his head onto the babies' forehead before they took the small boy away. The doctor's soon after took him away to the same space the took the first of Dark's children and his soul dimmed as the room was filled with Anti's soft crying as the doctor's had accidentally hurt him.
Dark was by his mate's side in a flash with comforting kisses that made the smaller's crying stop and instead soft purrs emitted from his throat.
The taller wrapped an arm around his mate's waist before leaning forward to press his forehead to Anti's. The demon below him had suddenly sobbed and Dark's eyes flashed open as he felt their souls clench tight in pain. He grit his teeth when those beautiful heterochromatic eyes opened and were filled with tears. Anti's claws grasped at Dark's shoulders as he pleaded, "I need our babies....D-dark-where are our babies?!"
The older caressed Anti's cheek and wiped away the tears with his thumb before letting out a soft breath against the smaller's lips. The man below him whimpered and that slender tail lashed out in worry. Just when Anti came back to reality with the doctor's surrounding them, Dark growled as a nurse walked in with two babies in her arms. She had been cooing at them and smiling when the first-born had stuck out his long tongue.
Anti gasped and gently shoved against Dark, who tumbled to the floor by his surprising soulmate's strength, but shook it off, before his claws twitched out in mid-air when she came over and set the two babes in his welcoming arms. The taller gently grew his wings, sending every doctor but two nurses away, and slid them around his suddenly emotional mate.
The two infants were wrapped up in a soft fur blanket that was keeping them warm. Anti gently cradled them and giggled softly when he saw a tiny tail slip out of the first born's blanket that intertwined with his brother's.

 Anti gently cradled them and giggled softly when he saw a tiny tail slip out of the first born's blanket that intertwined with his brother's

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"We need to give them names Daddy Dark, we can't just call them first born and second born." His voice came out soft and weak and Dark nodded slowly while gazing into Anti's tired eyes, "I was thinking Maxwell for the first born. Maxwell Heath-short for Heathen Fischbach." (That's Maxwell when he's older ^^^)

(Nathaniel^^^)Anti smiled weakly and kissed Maxwell's pale skinned nose

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Anti smiled weakly and kissed Maxwell's pale skinned nose. The small boy raised his wings and gave a soft babble. Dark's eyes softened at the tiny hands Maxwell had before turning to the second born, "And...Nathaniel Devon-not really shortened but it's really meant to be Demon Fischbach."
Suddenly Nathaniel's third eye opened up slightly to show the entire baby blue iris. Anti's heart melted as he blinked his own blue and green eyes before pressing a tiny kiss to Nathan's forehead, "They're so beautiful."
Dark nodded and laughed when Nathan shuddered at Anti's cold lips against his forehead.
Anti's ears were delighted to hear his soulmate's beautiful demon laugh and he leaned forward as their souls tightened on each other and met Dark's lips with his own.
The older smiled against Anti's lips and cradled the back of his neck while that long slender tail wrapped around Dark's free hand. They had finally become parents and boy did they have a story to tell Nathan and Max when they were older.

And that's Day 27! Sorry it's so late!!!!! Enjoy it throughly!

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