Day 4: On a Date

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Antisepticeye X Darkiplier
Anti was dressed up in a pair of ripped up blue jeans, a long sleeved red hoodie, and bright green gauges with matching converse. The chilly fall air made him shiver as he waited for Dark, who was out, "working".
Anti sighed, kicking a stone from his swing seat and making it skitter off onto the pathway of park goers.
Anti then looked at his oversized hoodie and breathed in it's scent of Dark's cologne, a hint of earth from the swing set, and home. He sighed in bliss and made the softest of purrs while nuzzling the collar of the hood. "When is Darkie-Parkie gonna' be here..?" He whispered to the crisp fall air, breathing in it's coolness, making his lungs burn with the need to stay warm.
The feeling brought a loneliness to his heart, and with it, a fresh set of tears.
He tried blinking the half black ooze, half regular tears, back, but it was no use. "He stood me up...*hic* and look like a fookin' douchebag. Of course he wouldn't come....*sob* I'm such a useless demon..." Anti pulled up his hoodie and cried into the sleeves. "I-I-I'm...use-useless...un-unworth-unworthy...."
Anti hiccuped and wiped at his mix-matched tears, "Make the p-pain stop...." His heart throbbed and a whimper of loneliness escaped his throat, leaving a nearby Dark jump and flash run to his lover, finding himself with a shell of a demon.
Dark's eyes flashed with regret and he immediately scooped Anti into his arms and rocked him back and forth, hushing him and singing him a gentle yet dark lullaby. Anti opened his bloodshot eyes to find Dark's hypnotizing voice putting him to sleep before he could even utter a word.


Dark had made it to their log cabin and ordered pizza for an apology for their ruined date. He started up a fire for Anti, his own body never warming up to everything besides the fire, and then set out two plates and wine glasses by the fire. A mattress sat nearby, blankets piled over a snoozing Anti as he slept with a plush of Foxy from FNaF.
Dark walked into the room, his tank top and shorts replaced for black pajama pants and gray t-shirt with demon wings pasted on the back. (Yes I made these two dorks wear very different clothes, :3) Anti stirred in Dark's presence and Dark immediately was by his side, rubbing his side and making him smile in his sleep.
Anti's eyes fluttered open to be met with Dark's concerned ones and the light of a fire making Dark's pale cheeks look tan, "Dark...ya' came back..." Dark smiled at Anti and kissed his forehead, "Why would I leave?" Dark was very curious, but stayed quiet as he spooned Anti from behind and tucked Anti and himself into the covers.
Anti stared into the fire, loving the crackle and the colors mix, "I'm so useless and unworthy of yar' love Dark." Anti answered honestly, his body shook, afraid of rejection.
But he gasped when Dark's lips kissed at his neck and made him melt into a puddle of purrs. Dark let out a husky, "Never say that again," before he trailed his hand up Anti's side and rubbed warmth into his skin, "You got that my little pet?" Anti gasped and let out a little shiver before replying, "Yes Daddy D-Dark~"
Dark was enjoying spreading kisses all over Anti's nape, neck, and shoulders, when the doorbell rang from the pizza delivery. Anti sat up and looked down at Dark, "Why does it smell like pizza?"
Dark chuckled and pushed Anti back down and kissed his giggling forehead, "I'm making it up to you Anti." Anti blushed and grabbed Dark's arm and stood up with him, purring gently as Dark wrapped an arm around his waist and led him to the front door.
Dark answered the door with Anti leaning into him, and saw a man in his late teens holding two boxes of pizza. "Delivery for Mr. D-Dark?" The boy stuttered.
Anti rolled his eyes, "He's stutterin' Dad-I mean...Darkie. What shall we do with him?" Dark's black eyes glinted with the moonlight outside as he stared down at a pleased Anti. "It's up to you my dearest Anti, because tonight is all about you." Anti gasped before taking the pizza without paying and whispered something in Dark's ear that made him smirk.
The delivery boy called out Anti by saying, "You can't take that! You have to pay first!" He stood proudly and Dark scoffed, "My baby ain't paying scum. You're going to learn that pretty quickly, seeing as your my next kill." Dark studied his long nails as the kid shook and squeaked out a small, "W-what?" Dark chuckled, "You have ten seconds to run, and I'll tell you won't survive."
A dark grin along with the glint of fangs came onto Dark's face as the kid screamed and ran to the delivery car, Anti came up behind Dark and kissed his shoulder, "Go get him now Dark, it makes no difference since he's your kill."
Dark hummed and watched the kid fumble for keys before he snapped his fingers and cut out the brakes before turning to Anti and kissing him sweetly, making the other purr and giggle. "Only for you baby boy."
Anti stroked Dark's cheek, smiling with his fangs poking over his lip, "I love you Dark." Dark chuckled before nodding, and walking out to the car as it drove off, Anti watching from the doorstep as the kid took off and Dark faded into the shadows.
While Dark was out, Anti ate pizza and made hot chocolate for Dark since he was always cold. The smell of sauce, cheese, and chocolate made Anti drool and eat the pizza even more quickly.
He emptied out one whole box and whined as he was still hungry, and quickly called up Dark who had just made the kid drive off a cliff due to no brakes, Dark grabbing three boxes of pizza as the car's trunk had been left open, the pizza boxes loose on the road. Dark laughed as the car created a big explosion as it hit the ground, "Boom bitch."
He then laughed insanely and darkly, his eyes glinting with pride at his deeds.
It was to be expected of Anti to be hungry, so Dark, usually would leave the scene quickly, grabbed the pizzas, made sure the kid's body was dead before taking the phone call.
Dark's usually hidden wings, (I know it ain't really canon and stuff but I like to add my own features, hope that's okay? They are demons...) were out and fluttering in the chilly air as he flew back to the house, answering to Anti with a quick, "I got you three more pizzas Anti."
He sighed and shook his head at his whiny boyfriend before a gasp and clapping could be heard, "How did you know?" Dark smiled gently and sighed into the phone as he landed in front of his and Anti's house, "Because your always hungry Anti. I swear you have a mountain of a stomach hidden somewhere."
Anti scoffed from inside the house as he opened his mouth to reply only to gasp and shudder as cold hands wrapped around him and cold lips kissed the shell of his pointed ear. "D-Dark-"
Dark set down the pizzas and nuzzled his cold face into Anti's warm neck, making him shiver. "Yes Anti~" The smaller demon hissed at Dark, "Yar' so rude sometimes!" Dark only chuckled and purred in Anti's ear, "Well..."Yar'" made to be fiery and fighting back, but you are cuddly, so...I guess you should think about that."
Anti scoffed and turned to see Dark with his magnificent wings stretched out, the leathery and hole filled inside slightly fluttering. Dark pulled Anti up into his chest, "Do you like them?" Anti's eyes lighted up and reached out to pet one, watching as the wing fluttered under his touch.
He smiled and nodded slowly, "They are never told me about them!" Anti's pout was back and Dark only stroked his cheek, "Because you've never told me about your tail." He smirked and Anti gasped, eyes widening, "Who told you about that?!" Dark chuckled, "You were mumbling about it one day about how it doesn't show up in this human world, it sounded like you missed it dearly."
Anti rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "It made it easier to balance me out when I ran or was climbin' somethin'. So of course I miss it." Dark smirked and mocked, "Oh you poor poor baby~"  Anti huffed and yelled at Dark, "Oh shut up! It was a part of me ok?"
Dark hummed and folded up his wings before kissing Anti's forehead, "I love you Anti, with, or without tail. That's all that matters. I would love you even if you had a third eye, four eyes, get it."  Anti blushed and cuddled back into Dark, "I love you too Dark, now can we get back to our date?"
Dark nodded and Anti tore into the pizza. Dark's heart warmed when Anti gave him hot chocolate to warm him up. They both then took the pizza and themselves back over to the mattress and ate pizza on plates and drank some wine from a half full bottle. Anti and Dark cuddled up by the fire, enjoying the crackle and warmth radiating from it before finishing off the pizza, and the last drops of wine.
The two then curled up on the mattress, Dark's arm wrapped around Anti's waist, the other stroking Anti's hair as Anti himself cuddled his face into Dark's chest.
Anti's legs intwined with Dark's and he purred as Dark was warm before yawning. "It's been a long night Daddy Dark." Dark chuckled and nodded, "You sleepy?" Anti nodded slowly, and Dark smiled softly, "Then let's go to sleep baby boy."
And that's Day 4!!

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