Day 3: Gaming

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Mark was fumbling with the control pad, testing it out to make sure the buttons didn't stick. He made a sound of frustration every ten seconds as he tried loosening up the sticky buttons. His dog Chica had slobbered all over it, and he was quite mad, but when Chica gave him those puppy dog eyes he forgave her. Mark was beyond ticked off though since his control didn't work.
Jack, was sitting on the bed, watching as his frustrated boyfriend had lost threw the controller. Chica was laying by his feet, the golden retriever having found a new friend.
He tried hard not to laugh when Mark yelled at the controller, "Fucking buttons and shit." Jack snorted loudly, having laughed too hard.
Mark jumped and screamed in a high pitched voice, "Jack!!!!! Don't freaking laugh!!!"
Jack gently brushed over Chica's fur to calm her down and laughed more, "We could always play the Sims 4 together Markimoo~"
Mark sighed softly, looking with a, "I give up" look at the controller.
He nodded, "Alright Jack. Are we going to record it?" Jack smiled and nodded, "O' course."
Mark set up his computer and slid in Jack's disk, smiling when Jack set Chica down in her bed. Jack was so caring with the dog, it made Mark's heart warm.
Jack stood up, fixing his hat back on his head and walking over to Mark who sat in his chair. The Irishman then sat in the older's lap and wrapped an arm around his neck, "Hello handsome." Mark laughed gently and stroked Jack's jaw, looking up into his baby blues with his own chocolate brown eyes.
Jack touched foreheads with Mark, not realizing the recording button was on as the two shared a small kiss, Mark pulling Jack to where his legs were spread over his own. Jack hummed at the more comfortable position and pressed his lips to Mark's.
Mark then started to laugh after a little, yelling out, "Septiplier AWAY!!!" Jack started laughing hard with Mark, the two holding their stomachs until they calmed down
. Jack wiped the joyful tears from Mark's face and kissed his forehead, "Yar' a dork Mark."
Mark hummed and smiled up at Jack, "And you make me that way Mr. McLoughlin."
Jack shook his head before climbing off of Mark's lap and sitting in his own beside Mark, "Let's jus' play! I'm fookin' excited!!" He quickly did his intro along with Mark before getting into making both their characters.
Mark made his character with big arm muscles and red hair, of course. Jack made his slim with a big booty, he laughed with Mark at that, before finishing off with a fancy looking pair of glasses.
The two both moved in together in the game before making a six room house. Two bedrooms, two work rooms, one bathroom, and a connected living room and kitchen.
Jack made it, since Mark didn't like doing it and they both made teasing remarks at each other. Jack made their rooms closest to their personality before finishing Mark's off with a quick click of the mouse.
Jack looked over at Mark to see him smirking, "What is it Mark?"
Mark snickered, "Why doesn't my room have a desk?"
Jack rolled his eyes, "Because it's in the computer rooms ya' dipshit."
Mark rolled his eyes and laughed, "I know that, but I do like having a desk."
Jack sighed and gave Mark a playful glare before adding a black desk with a lamp and a plant. Jack then proceeded in adding some plants outside. Mark kissed Jack's shoulder, "Thank you babe~"
Jack smiled gently at the soft affection before petting Mark's hair, "Yar' welcome Marki~" The two then proceeded in letting their characters explore while the two rambled and teased about each other.
Suddenly, when they went to check on their characters, they were endlessly flirting with each other, and Jack blushed bright red, "Oh fuck..." Mark started laughing and pointed at Jack, "I bet my character is top."
Jack's breath caught for a second before smacking Mark in the arm and going angry in the face, "Fuck you Mark!! My character is top!!!"
Mark laughed and gently stroked Jack's hand beneath the camera's sight and squeezed, "Sure, I may be short, but I am taller than you." Jack turned and glared, "At least I can top your jokes better than you can yourself."
Mark gasped and looked back at Jack and poked him playfully, "How dare you!!" Jack couldn't help but giggle as Mark started tickling him and making him squeak and fall out of his chair, "M-Mark!! Heheheh o-oh-oKAY!! You c-cahan-can stop!" Mark laughed and helped his boyfriend back up.
They both got back to insulting each other and finally watched as Mark topped Jack in the game. "FOOKIN' NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
Mark burst out laughing to the point where he fell over in his chair and was wheezing for air. Jack whined and slammed his face on the keyboard. "Thank you everybody for watching, this is Mark the fookin' loser and Jack the boss signin' off. Goodbye."
He then ended the recording and glared at Mark and saw the smug ass watching him with a playful smirk and brightened eyes, "Hardy har-har. Yar' top okay?" Mark patted his lap as he sat on the floor.
Jack sighed and then smiled as he pushed himself off the chair and into Mark's lap, the two cuddling, Chica soon joining and making Jack and Mark coo over her.
The two had never had that much fun while gaming, and it was so fun that, they played it the next day, only to figure out that Jack's person had somehow gotten pregnant. Mark gave Jack a loving look and Jack blushed, the two felt so happy together as they played, they never wanted to stop.
And that was Day 3!!!!

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