Day 9: Hanging Out With Friends

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(Up at the top is you tuber counterparts, in order is Dark, Anti, Virus(Cry), Flame(Pewds),and Beast(CinnamonToastKen) I would like ya'll to appreciate the artist and check out their comic "Double Trouble" on Devianart, they are amazing and I love their style!! Also Anti with his tail~ :3
Anti was ordering three pizzas and getting prepared for his friends to come over, he proudly displayed his collar with a gray v-neck to show off his collarbones to Dark. He also wore tight ripped jeans that Dark would always shake his head at, as they were ripped all up in the knees and shins.
Anti was enjoying the nice sunshiny day outside, it brought warmth. And Dark, Flame, and Anti all loved warmth where they could get it. Since Flame was a demon of fire, he loved campouts and summer time weather. Virus and Beast often liked Fall and Winter due to Beast being a wolf demon, and Virus not liking the overheating in his computer parts and all the water from Spring, winter and fall he could handle though.
Often lately, Flame and Virus had grown apart and it made Anti sad for his flammable friend. Virus of course, had drifted from everyone lately, especially Dark, who didn't like Virus's manipulative ways. Anti had saw no problems with Virus though besides the occasional mind wipe he did to get someone to do his dirty work. Dark never got mind-wiped though, Virus was scared of him, knowing Dark would flip any minute if he made the slightest wrong move-
"Anti... baby...relax..." Dark whispered in Anti's ear, noticing his tensed up lover as he waited for the pizza.
Dark had realized earlier on that Anti was nervous about their friends visiting, but Dark would always be there when Anti was tensed or stressed rubbing out all the tensed muscles in Anti's shoulders and making him purr. The smaller visibly relaxed and leaned into Dark, letting his cool skin take off the intense heat off his own.
Dark smirked as he saw Anti's collar and the prominent hickey on his neck before checking out the septic eye gauges in his ears. "You are going to relax for me today Anti. Promise me." Anti nodded slowly before taking Dark's hand and kissing it, turning around to face Dark, and whisper, "I promise...I'm just nervous for Flame and Virus."
Dark's eyes grew cold at the mention of Virus but closed his eyes to get rid of the tension, "Yeah...Flame isn't doing too good." Anti nodded before hearing the doorbell ring and grabbing the pizzas from him and slamming the door in his face so Dark would be satisfied.
The two laid out the three pizzas and Anti took the time to check the time, coincidentally. "They should be here in five minutes." Dark nodded and pushed his black slender glasses up his nose. Anti suddenly felt the sense of warmth and smelt the scent of cinders and burning wood. Dark only grinned, "Flame is here Anti, he's about to light up the door, in"
Anti dashed over to the door and opened it just as Flame's bright smile lit up his face. Anti grinned back and the two embraced in a strong hug, Anti starting to tear up as his longtime friend was actually there, in person and embracing him like they were childhood friends.
Flame happily patted Anti's shoulder as he started to cry, "Hey, I'm here now, nothing to cry about Green Eye."
Anti laughed through his tears only to look up at Flame and grin like the dork he is, "It's been too long Flame. How are you?"
Flame only smiled more, his orange eyes sparking with delight as he walked inside to the kitchen, Anti leading him by his side, "Pretty great! I met this European demon girl...she's really cute and I actually think I like her."
Anti patted his shoulder, his own eyes showing a mischievous look, "Then go for her, I know it's been a lot different for you to live so far away."
Flame only nodded only to light up once again as he saw Dark in all his glory, "You look a little taller since I last seen you!~" Flame teased, knowing Dark was always making fun of his height.
The grin splitting Dark's face told Flame that he took it as a joke before they laughed at the greeting, Dark replying with an eyebrow raised, "And I see you've gotten a tattoo on your shoulder in place of your fire hazard shirt." Flame nodded and Anti watched with excited eyes as he looked over the curved lines filled with red, orange, and blue ink.
Dark smiled and pulled Anti into his arms, Flame already knowing about their relationship, "I've been thinking about getting one on my neck. Maybe one with a cool pattern of skulls." Flame nodded, impressed with Dark's thinking, "Add in a few roses? Make it seem more intricate."
Dark laughed and watched as Anti's eyes watched the pizza with hungry eyes, "Are you hungry Anti?" Dark teased. Anti scowled and looked up at Dark, "Hell yeah, it's fookin' pizza Dark." Flame and Dark laughed before sharing a high five then a bro-fist afterward. "Well Flame, make yourself at home. I'm sure Beast should be arriving soon with Virus, those two are always late."
Flame nodded with a smile, "All right, all right! How about we grab a slice and get outside to enjoy the nice weather?" Anti nodded furiously before attacking the pizza box with his claws and stacking up three slices. Flame grabbed one and made it hot with his hands, liking when things were burnt or extremely hot.
Dark grabbed a slice with a napkin before spreading out his wings in his white wife beater shirt, liking the feel of them soak up the sun as the three walked outside.
Anti immediately chewed down while Dark ate slowly and Flame ate his with large bites while also burning up the dead trees and plants nearby. Anti then joined in, a pizza still midway in his chewing process as he climbed up the trees and hung upside down while talking to Flame. Dark grinned to himself and his childish boyfriend before watching as one large ass brown wolf showed up and tackled Flame, licking all over his face.
Flame pushed the wolf's face away, laughing and all smiles, "Beasty! I haven't seen you in months!" The wolf shifted back into the tall man that is Beast, thankfully with a white shirt and jeans before embracing Flame in a hug and making Anti creep up on him.
Flame started rambling about how much he missed Beast and how they needed to hang out more before Beast was howling out in surprise as Anti startled him by grabbing his tail and poking him in the neck, a sensitive place to Dark's knowledge. Beast spun around to the mischievous demon, Flame hopping onto his back and chasing after Anti who climbed up a tree and was giggling and laughing the day away.
Dark, meanwhile stood up and stretched out his wings in the middle of the dirt pathway before watching as the space before him glitched out. Dark crossed his arms as the cold metal that is Virus appeared and let out a robotic squeak. Dark's black eyes glinted with power before Virus held out his hand, "Long time no see, eh Dark?"
Dark glared at his hand, "If you screw with any one of my friends your gone. Understand?"
Virus put his hand back slowly and nodded before hearing three cries of, "Virus!!!!!!" Anti was the softest shout, surprisingly the other two being the loudest. Flame blasted over the quickest, a ball of fire in his wake, setting some of Dark's lawn ablaze and embracing Virus in a hug to which Virus laughed a throaty squeaking sound before Beast crushed the both of them in a hug and made Virus's wiring twitch and creak at the sudden pressure on his slender metal frame.
Anti jogged over, putting out Flame's fire and waiting his turn as Flame started to cry as he held his oldest friend close. Virus patted his head and said with his robotic eyes blinking, "Don't blow out my wiring Sparky, you too Wolfy, you both get over emotional." Flame and Beast laughed before they stepped away and let Anti bro hug Virus who's smile never faded, "Oh look, the kinky prankster."
Anti scoffed before gently smacking Virus's face away and smiling as he said a gentle, "Oh shut up!" Dark watched silently, even as Beast hugged him and made Dark smile and pat his fur ball of a friend. Flame happily went inside to retrieve the pizzas, making sure not to burn them as he walked out and gave each of his friends except Virus a slice.
Dark ate with his arm wrapped protectively around Anti, who was talking a mile a minute while Dark chimed in sometimes but let his energetic boyfriend speak. Flame and Beast were also sitting on each side of Virus, talking of their own stories. Virus was quiet, but that's the way it's always been.
The five ate all the pizza as the day ended and turned into night, Beast growing obnoxious amounts of hair as the full moon was close. Flame made a campfire after Anti collected sticks and stones with Beast. Dark speaking happily with Flame as the two filled each other in on their relationships. Virus had gone inside to grab a charger for his phone while the two talked, feeling awkward as Dark noticeably didn't talk to him.
Later on as they all except Virus toasted marshmallows, they asked Dark to sing only for him to reciprocate with, "I'm not so sure I want you all to fall asleep." Anti nudged him and stroked his cheek, pouting while giving him puppy dog eyes, "Please Daddy Dark?" Virus started to laugh with Beast at the sudden cringe of Flame, the name not sitting well with him. Dark chuckled and nodded before pressing a kiss to Anti's thick eyebrow, "Alright, just one song though." Everyone fell quiet as Dark sung,"I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can be saved, how did you get here and where did it start? An innocent child with a thorn in his heart, what kind of world do we live in? Where love is divided by hate, losing control of our feeling? We all must be dreaming this life a world so cold..." (Song ABOVE!! 12 Stones-World So Cold) "There's a sickness inside you that wants to escape, it's a feeling you get when you can't find your way, so how many times must you fall to your knees?! Never, never, never, never, do this again!! It starts with pain....followed by hate...." "We all must be dreaming this life away! In a world so cold-in a world so cold..." Mark sang to his heart's content, ending the song on a soft note.
Anti was watching with gentle eyes, Flame, Beast, and Virus clapping as the lyrics were very relatable. The song raw in Dark's heart as he thought about how he knew he was apart of imagination. Anti kissed his cheek and smiled sweetly, cheering Dark up immediately and snuggling the cold body so Anti could warm him up. Dark kissed Anti's head gently and Flame happily conversed with Virus and Beast over how songs could be very relatable.
The five friends after a while, trashed all the pizza boxes, ate all the marshmallows, and set up sleeping spots inside Dark and Anti's cabin. Virus crashed first, he at least made it to the couch before crashing. Beast went next with Flame, who were sharing the blow up mattress in the living room by Virus. Next was Anti, who fell asleep in Dark's arms as the two tried to stay up with their friends, only for Anti's eyelids to fall heavy with exhaustion and fall asleep to the sounds of the rain outside that started up.
Dark didn't need sleep, but made sure Anti was safely tucked in bed before turning out the light and stripping down to pajama pants and boxers, checking on his friends downstairs to make sure they were all fine. He sighed as he looked at Beast snuggling Flame, the two making enough heat for Virus's cold body to wake up warm.
Virus's eye opened up as he saw Dark's wings obscuring the tv light. Dark's eyes immediately found Virus's shining ones before turning slightly away, "Thank you Virus. For not being a complete asshole."
Virus sighed and looked up at Mark, face blank, eyes only blinking every thirty seconds since the mask obscured his face, "I'm sorry Dark. I know it doesn't make up for what I've done in the past but, years have passed. I've learned to mature. Hell I even loaded up a software to let me be nicer. I hope you can forgive me for my past mistakes. I know now that I really fucked up, especially when I called you a nobody. That was out of line, as was taking control of Flame and making him break down, I feel horrible and I just-" Dark cut him off by setting a hand in his hair, the emotionless face still on, "I'll forgive you in the morning. For my friends. Not for myself though, you screwed me up badly Virus, to the point where I almost didn't exist. So...I'll forgive you, after my baby Anti sleeps, and gets his rest. In the morning...we will see if I am in a better mood. So for now, go back to sleep and get a good's night's reboot. It's going to take a lot of sleep for me to forgive you." Virus nodded, he understood why Dark was doing this. That's why he went to bed after Dark left to go sleep with Anti.
In the morning everyone woke up late except for Virus and Dark, who had come to an agreement and had started to become friends again. Flame walked in, obviously giddy his two friends were getting along again and hugged Dark's arm who chuckled before gently nudging him off and shaking his head, "Go take a shower, you smell like musk." Virus laughed a high pitched sound when Flame stuck out his tongue but followed Dark's orders. Beast woke up after that and Virus served him a cup of coffee, waking Beast up immediately.
Dark resumed the chat he had with Virus before Anti woke up from his slumber. After Flame came back, dressed in clean clothes, Anti lumbered down the stairs sluggishly, obviously tired from staying up for so long. Dark handed him a cup of coffee and a donut before pulling his lover onto his lap, grinning when Anti nuzzled into his body and tiredly woke himself up.
The five friends talked for hours before going on a destructive stroll through the town, having fun as they let their dark parts consume them. Anti had been giddy as they had a great time with their best friends, and that's all that mattered to Mark as they waved their friends goodbye the next morning.
And that's Day 9!!!

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